Gulbankians seek extension on zoning review

The Gulbankian family was scheduled to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals last night for the latest round in what has become a nearly year-long quest to continuing operating three long-standing businesses on their Mt. Vickery Road property. But in a letter to the ZBA, the family asked for more time to prepare their site plan. Read the full article → from Gulbankians seek extension on zoning review

No decsion on Gulbankian businesses

Residents came with a lot to say about the Gulbankian family businesses at last night’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, but many of them didn’t get the chance to say anything. ZBA Chairman Sam Stivers told the standing-room-only crowd that they would not discuss the merits of the case at the meeting. Instead they focused on procedure. Read the full article → from No decsion on Gulbankian businesses

A return to bus parking at Gulbankian Farms?

The Metrowest Daily News has published a couple of stories recently on a dispute between Gulbankian Farms and its neighbors. The Gulbankian family wants to park up to 14 school buses on their property at the corner of Mt. Vickery Road and Route 85 starting July 1. Some neighbors oppose the move because of concerns about noise, traffic, and emissions. Read the full article → from A return to bus parking at Gulbankian Farms?

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