SOLF Presents: Beavers, What they do and Why

The latest in a local nature series contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation

[This post is part of a special guest series focused on appreciating nature in Southborough, contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation (SOLF), a non-profit dedicated to preserving and stewarding natural resources here in town.] Read the full article → from SOLF Presents: Beavers, What they do and Why

SNAP recipients: Apply for a subsidized CSA Share

The Trustees are offering a limited number of "Share a Share" of Chestnut Hill Farm's Community Supported Agriculture program.

The Trustees asked me to share big news about their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program at Chestnut Hill Farm. For a limited number of applicants with SNAP benefits, $20 will buy 15 weeks of fresh veggies and herbs. Read the full article → from SNAP recipients: Apply for a subsidized CSA Share

Garden Tours & Plant Sale – Saturday

OSPC's guided tours of two of their pollinator gardens will be paired with the sale of native plants.

Over the past two years, volunteers have planted and maintained two gardens that support native pollinators in Southborough. This Saturday, you can learn more details about them and what you can do at home — including buying some plants that will be on sale. Read the full article → from Garden Tours & Plant Sale – Saturday

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