This weekend, MassPike construction is impacting Southborough roads – hopefully for the last time this summer. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge: Section of Parkerville Rd and Flanders to be closed (4pm today through early Monday)
This weekend, MassPike construction is impacting Southborough roads – hopefully for the last time this summer. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge: Section of Parkerville Rd and Flanders to be closed (4pm today through early Monday)
This weekend, MassDOT will replace the second of the eight MassPike bridge spans being replaced this summer in/near Southborough. This time, they’ll be working on Cordaville Road. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge: Cordaville Rd to be closed (4pm Friday through early Monday)
The state is holding an info session with public Q&A for abutters and commuters (or just the curious) on the accelerated bridge replacement project. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge: Woodland closed (4pm today through early Monday)
The state is holding an info session with public Q&A for abutters and commuters (or just the curious) on the accelerated bridge replacement project. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements: “Traffic Crossover Trial Run” this weekend
The state posted the presentation for tonight’s info session. Read the full article → from Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements meeting tonight; presentation preview posted
The state is holding an info session with public Q&A for abutters and commuters (or just the curious) on the accelerated bridge replacement project. Read the full article → from Public Meeting on Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements – Feb 9
Yesterday, I got another update on preliminary project stages. Read the full article → from “Acceler-8-I-90” bridge replacement project update
Yesterday, I got another update on preliminary project stages. Read the full article → from MassPike bridge replacement prep work beginning Wednesday
This month, I got an update on the project. on a project to replace four bridges in/near Southborough. Read the full article → from Update on MassPike bridge replacement project (Updated)
Next week, the Mass Dept of Transportation will hold a public hearing in Southborough on a bridge replacement project. Read the full article → from MassDOT to hold hearing on MassPike bridge replacement project
A week from Wednesday, the Master Plan Committee will discuss the impact on Southborough of regional and state transportation issues and opportunities. Read the full article → from Master Plan Committee and state legislators to discuss transportation issues/opportunities – January 15
The Town Clerk’s office shared the state’s notification about upcoming Public Information Meetings on the 495/90 Interchange. Read the full article → from MassDOT to hold info meetings on next stage of 495/90 Interchange project
A meeting held by the 495/MetroWest Partnership included a subject that impacts many commuters and businesses in our town – the state’s project to improve the 495-MassPike interchange. Read the full article → from Officials talk up 495/MassPike interchange project
Southborough Wicked Local dug up more details on the upcoming Route 9 project I posted about yesterday. Read the full article → from SWL: Rte 9 work to avoid biggest impacts