The Town has published a draft of the FY16 budget with a recommended $1.85 million increase. According to Town Administrator Mark Purple, the budget calls for an average tax bill increase of 2.87%. Read the full article → from Town Budget preview
Recreation sheds a light on town’s field constraints

The Recreation Department informed selectmen that town fields are “tapped out” for youth sports. The department head asked for relief that would allow her to make more use of the fields the town has. Read the full article → from Recreation sheds a light on town’s field constraints
EDC responding to BOS advice to request bigger investment in economic development
The Chair of Southborough’s Economic Development Committee found himself in an enviable position a few weeks ago. When David McCay presented his budge to the Board of Selectmen, they told him to consider asking for more. Read the full article → from EDC responding to BOS advice to request bigger investment in economic development
Southborough re-examining town employee compensation
Town boards are concerned by a study that casts Southborough’s as an uncompetitive employer. As a result, they may ask voters to raise personnel salary ranges. Read the full article → from Southborough re-examining town employee compensation