Town Meeting’s vote to lower the voting age is just the first step (Updated)

A Citizen's Petition was supported by Town Meeting, but efforts by other towns haven't made it through the state legislature. Here's my recap of the TM discussion and the road ahead.

I’m writing up some highlights from the Annual Town Meeting discussion and potential implications of the Citizen’s Petition to lower the voting age in Town elections to 17 years old. I also followed up our Town’s representatives in the state legislature about their positions. Read the full article → from Town Meeting’s vote to lower the voting age is just the first step (Updated)

Annual Town Meeting 2023 at-a-glance

Here's my updated overview with coverage links on everything voters will be asked to decide

This Saturday, Southborough voters will act as the Town’s legislative branch, Annual Town Meeting. Residents will be asked to approve Town spending, delegate some authority, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials on how we want them to govern. Here is my overview of all the details. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting 2023 at-a-glance

Annual Town Meeting: Breakneck Hill dump and bylaw deficiencies

Four Articles on the Town Warrant are related to Conservation efforts in town.

With all of the controversial items on the Town Meeting Warrant, there are some Articles that haven’t gotten much attention. One bundle is proposed zoning amendments by the Conservation Commission. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: Breakneck Hill dump and bylaw deficiencies

Annual Town Meeting: GonkPlex

Algonquin is asking Southborough (and Northborough) voters to approve funding "overdue" repairs, updates and improvements to its outdoor athletic facilities

One of the big Articles on Saturday’s Town Meeting Warrant is a request to allow a close to $8M project to renovate Algonquin Regional High School’s “aging & out of compliance athletic facilities”. Borrowing for the project would be bonded over 15 years and split between the Towns. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: GonkPlex

Annual Town Meeting: St. Mark’s Street & Park Articles

While some urge moving forward with a road discontinuance and land swap as the best plan for resolving the "mess", the Planning Board is cautioning the Town to slow down and clarify muddy details first.

Tomorrow, the Select Board will bring the controversial St. Mark’s Street relocation and park project back to Annual Town Meeting voters. The board’s handling of the project since rebuked by voters last spring has turned around some naysayers. But with a ⅔ approval from voters needed for Article 12, and some vocal opponents still raising questions, the board was already facing a tough sell.

That just got tougher with the release of the Planning Board’s report to the Select Board as a Town Meeting handout. In it, Planning highlights why it can’t support the street discontinuance included in the Article. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: St. Mark’s Street & Park Articles

Letter: Vote for Citizen Petition Article to keep Emergency Dispatch Services under Southborough control

This letter the the editor from the President of Southborough Communications Officers’ union and the Vice President of Southborough Police Officers’ union explains their Citizen Petition Article to keep Emergency Dispatch Services in Southborough and asks voters to support it. Read the full article → from Letter: Vote for Citizen Petition Article to keep Emergency Dispatch Services under Southborough control

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