Town Meeting Update: Citizen Petitions due by February 23

The state approved new bylaws impacting the upcoming Town Meeting. One increases the notice the Town is given for Warrant Articles submitted by voters.

At the Special Town Meeting last fall, voters passed two new bylaws impacting future Town Meetings. One of those bylaws sets a deadline for Citizen Petition Articles to be added to the Warrant. The second will hopefully help make Town Meetings run quicker. Both were recently ratified by the Attorney General’s office — in time Read the full article → from Town Meeting Update: Citizen Petitions due by February 23

Select Board denies Hazard Pay to Town staff

On Tuesday night, the Board voted to "not support" the ARPA Committee's recommendation to give bonuses to workers who were at extra risk during the first peak months of the pandemic.

Town employees who believe infected by Covid through work raised hands

The Select Board voted against using any of the $3M the Town is eligible for in ARPA funds as hazard pay for Southborough Town employees whose jobs put them at elevated risk at the start of the pandemic. Read the full article → from Select Board denies Hazard Pay to Town staff

Town unlikely to approve back-Hazard Pay for public safety workers

Before delaying a vote, the Select Board leaned against spending ARPA funds on extra pay for some Town personnel who worked through the pandemic.

For over 5 months, the Select Board has put off voting on a recommendation to spend $300K to cover Hazard Pay for public safety and certain other personnel’s work during the pandemic.

Last night, the Board was poised to vote against it. After hearing heartfelt arguments about the impact of Covid on firefighters and police officers, members delayed the vote to their next meeting. Read the full article → from Town unlikely to approve back-Hazard Pay for public safety workers

Tax outlook bleak again (Updated)

The Select Board voted to use more ARPA funds to reduce the impact of Special Town Meeting.

That won't stop tax bills from increasing higher than predicted, driven by home values that continued to skyrocket beyond expectations.

Although the Town hasn’t yet set next year’s tax rate, the Select Board is predicting that residents will be paying an average of 5.89% more in taxes year. Read the full article → from Tax outlook bleak again (Updated)

Volunteer to help decide how to spend $3M in Town ARPA funds

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Town’s decision to create an ARPA Committee. The Select Board is charging a seven member committee with making recommendations on how to spend American Rescue Plan Act funds. The Town is eligible for reimbursements up to $3,051,241. Some restrictions apply to how ARPA funds can be used. Read the full article → from Volunteer to help decide how to spend $3M in Town ARPA funds

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