Select Board approves “interim” Flag Policy

Battle Flags can fly in the Old Burial Ground at least until a standing policy is adopted this summer. A new committee will also study how to best honor Revolutionary War veterans.

On Tuesday night, the Select Board adopted an “interim policy” for flying flags on municipal properties it controls. Read the full article → from Select Board approves “interim” Flag Policy

Citizen Petition Article: Old Burial Ground Flags policy

At Special Town Meeting, voters will weigh in on the (non-binding) request to remove all flags from the Old Burial Ground except for the official U.S. flag (and grave markers)

flags placed by veterans at Old Burial Ground (photo by Beth Melo)

One of the Articles that Special Town Meeting voters will decide this Thursday night is whether to urge the Select Board to limit the flags in the Old Burial Ground to the American flag. Read the full article → from Citizen Petition Article: Old Burial Ground Flags policy

Historical asking BOS to consider replacing Gadsden flags in Old Burial Ground (Updated)

The Historical Commission is asking selectmen to consider replacing two flags in the Old Burial Ground that have become “politically charged” with flags more historically representative of those that the veterans buried there would have served under. The Chair’s communications with veterans on the issue appear to have ruffled some feathers. Read the full article → from Historical asking BOS to consider replacing Gadsden flags in Old Burial Ground (Updated)

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