Save the date: Pilgrim Church silent auction – March 20

Mark your calendars for the annual Pilgrim Church Mission Possible Silent Auction to be held this year on Sunday, March 20 at the church. The event, which has sold out the past five years running, raises money for the Senior High Youth Group’s annual mission trip, as well as humanitarian work by the Men’s Club. Read the full article → from Save the date: Pilgrim Church silent auction – March 20

It’s not just about the schools: Selectmen also ask churches to step up their donations

As you’ve probably heard, Southborough selectmen have been making a push lately to convince tax-exempt nonprofits in town like St. Mark’s and Fay School to increase the amount of their voluntary payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) contributions. Selectman John Rooney said this week that the effort is not limited toe the educational institutions. Later this month he intends to ask Southborough’s churches to increase their PILOT contributoins, as well. Read the full article → from It’s not just about the schools: Selectmen also ask churches to step up their donations

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