The Southborough Food Pantry is seeking donations to help their members in need. Read the full article → from Food Pantry’s current needs this week
Sock Drive to Benefit Worcester Homeless
Pilgrim Church asked me to share their news about an “urgent” collection drive over the next two weeks. Read the full article → from Sock Drive to Benefit Worcester Homeless
Food Pantry stock is getting low
Southborough Food Pantry is asking for donations on its needs list or financial support to help community members in need.
The Southborough Food Pantry is seeking donations to help their members in need. Read the full article → from Food Pantry stock is getting low
Handbag Drive through Sunday
Southborough Rotary is asking for gently used handbags to gift "unsheltered" or homeless mothers.
The Southborough Rotary Club is holding another collection drive for homeless mothers. This time, they are seeking gently used and clean handbags. The deadline for donations is this Sunday, April 30th. Read the full article → from Handbag Drive through Sunday
Senior Center Gift Shoppe seeking donations
The shop needs more almost new/gently used items to sell
The Southborough Senior Center is seeking donations. But instead of asking for money, the staff is asking residents to look through their drawers, closets, and other storage areas for accessories and décor. Read the full article → from Senior Center Gift Shoppe seeking donations
Diaper Drive
Southborough Rotary is collecting diapers for families in need.
Southborough Rotary Club and a member’s salon are working together again to support families in need.
This time, the community is encouraged to donate diapers in sizes 4-6. Read the full article → from Diaper Drive
Reminder: Winter Coats & Socks Drive through the 21st
The community is being asked to donate new socks and new/gently used coats.
The Southborough Rotary Club is co-sponsoring a collection drive to help keep those less fortunate warm through the winter. Read the full article → from Reminder: Winter Coats & Socks Drive through the 21st
“Fill a Cruiser” for the Food Pantry – Sunday
The Southborough Police Association is holding its 2nd annual collection drive for the Food Pantry before the holidays
In the spirit of the holidays, the Southborough Police are hoping the community will help them donate a carload (or more) of items for residents in need. Read the full article → from “Fill a Cruiser” for the Food Pantry – Sunday
Holiday Sing-a-long for families — Friday Night
The Girl Scouts are inviting all families in Southborough to join them to sing Christmas Carols and other winter favorites.
The Girl Scouts will host their traditional holiday sing-along on Friday night. This year, they are inviting the community to join them. Read the full article → from Holiday Sing-a-long for families — Friday Night
Holiday Gift collection drives in Southborough
In honor of Giving Tuesday, I’m running my annual roundup of holiday collection drives in town. Read the full article → from Holiday Gift collection drives in Southborough
Donate Coats – Saturday at Transfer Station
When you head to the Transfer Station this weekend, you can make a drop off for a collection drive.
The Southborough Rotary Club is co-sponsoring a collection drive to help keep those less fortunate warm through the winter. Read the full article → from Donate Coats – Saturday at Transfer Station
Winter Coats and Socks Drive
The community is being asked to donate new socks and new/gently used coats.
The Southborough Rotary Club is co-sponsoring a collection drive to help keep those less fortunate warm through the winter. Read the full article → from Winter Coats and Socks Drive
Textiles recycling/disposal reminder
The DPW is alerting residents that they can't dump textiles in the trash or recycling. NSBORO Schools' parent teacher organizations are reminding that you can support them by giving them textiles for recycling/reuse.
wo announcements this week are prompting me to share a reminder with readers about how to rid yourself of unwanted textiles. Read the full article → from Textiles recycling/disposal reminder
Donate your extra candy to Rise Above
Neary is collecting for care packages to college students who have aged out of the foster care system.
Is your household suffering from candy overload? You can donate to Neary School’s collection drive this week. Read the full article → from Donate your extra candy to Rise Above