Police procedures revised after sex offender incident

Earlier this week, the Southborough Police Department acknowledged mistakes were made in allowing a registered Level 2 sex offender to take up residence just a few doors down from a preschool, despite a town bylaw prohibiting it. In an effort to prevent future violations of the bylaw, the police have reviewed and updated their procedures related to registered sex offenders. Read the full article → from Police procedures revised after sex offender incident

Police chief says allowing registered sex offender to live near preschool was a “terrible mistake”

The Metrowest Daily News had a chance to talk with Police Chief Jane Moran this week about why a registered Level 2 sex offender was allowed to live near a preschool for more than two years despite a town bylaw prohibiting it. Read the full article → from Police chief says allowing registered sex offender to live near preschool was a “terrible mistake”

Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

When the Southborough Police Department announced the arrest of a registered sex offender on child pornography charges earlier this week, it came to light that the suspect lived on East Main Street in close proximity to one of the town’s preschools. Many of you have asked how that could happen when the town enacted a bylaw in 2008 to prohibit sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, and other facilities. Read the full article → from Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

Southborough police interrupt copper theft in progress, arrest one at gunpoint

Southborough police arrested a masked suspect in the overnight hours on Monday after he was caught stealing copper wire from the NStar property on Cordaville Road. A second suspect fled the scene and got away despite a manhunt that included a state K-9 unit. Read the full article → from Southborough police interrupt copper theft in progress, arrest one at gunpoint

Southborough police share tips on preventing home break-ins

Late yesterday afternoon I had a knock on my door. The clean-cut young man standing on the other side said he had recently graduated from college and had started a window cleaning business. I politely told him I wasn’t interested and closed the door. It never occurred to me to call the police, but Lt. Sean James of the Southborough Police Department told me last night that’s exactly what I should have done. Read the full article → from Southborough police share tips on preventing home break-ins

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