An update by the Public Works one week ago covered a whole lot of ground. Read the full article → from Public Works Updates: Main St, Paving, Guardrails, Rec fields, Town road projects, sidewalks, and more
An update by the Public Works one week ago covered a whole lot of ground. Read the full article → from Public Works Updates: Main St, Paving, Guardrails, Rec fields, Town road projects, sidewalks, and more
The Economic Development Committee is seeking a few residents to give their feedback on downtown Southborough this Wednesday from 11:00 am – noon. It’s one of two opportunities that day. Read the full article → from Downtown Initiative: Join the resident interview panel, and/or attend the presentation – Wednesday
The Economic Development Committee is following through on the next phase of its plan to revitalize downtown Southborough. Read the full article → from Downtown Revitalization: Residents invited to ULI session on May 9th (Updated)
Last night, owners of businesses downtown publicly worried that the Main St Reconstruction project will turn away customers. They also shared their desire for zoning changes to revitalize the district. Read the full article → from SWL: Main St businesses concerned about impact of Reconstruction
On November 30th, the Economic Development Committee held a workshop inviting residents to join roundtable discussions on issues around revitalizing downtown. They are now sharing some of their takeaways.
One that may garner the most attention is the possibility of the Town purchasing land. Read the full article → from EDC roundtable findings: Possibility of “investing” in downtown lot; investigating re-zoning and treatment plant options (Updated)
The Economic Development Committee is inviting you to help them figure out what they should do “about downtown”. Read the full article → from Working Together for a Better Downtown – November 30th workshop
On Monday night, the Economic Development Committee made the results of its survey public. The committee presented findings on what people want to see in the Downtown Business Village. Read the full article → from Downtown Business Village: What survey respondents like, dislike, want to see, and more
Results from the Downtown Survey are back. But, I can’t tell you what they were – at least, not yet. A meeting to present the findings is scheduled for this Monday. Read the full article → from Find out results of Downtown Survey – Monday (Data to help pave roadmap for downtown Main St)
Southborough’s Economic Development Committee has put out a second issue of “Doing Business in Southborough”. This time the focus is on answering the frequently asked question “What are You Doing about Downtown?”
And, while I’m posting about the EDC, I should note that they are hosing another “Broker Breakfast” this Friday. Read the full article → from OEDC’s roadmap for doing something about Downtown; plus Broker Breakfast on Friday (Updated)
EDC is asking everyone to weigh in on what we want the downtown Main Street area to be. The purpose is to help efforts to improve Southborough’s Downtown Business Village. Read the full article → from Town seeking “crucial” input from entire community to revitalize Downtown Business Village
Proposed changes to village zoning have elicited a strong response from village residents, and last night an impressive number turned out to share their opinions at a public hearing. The exchange was (mostly) civil, and in the end it seemed to have an impact. Read the full article → from Residents have their say on village zoning
What would you like downtown to look like in 20 years? What about Cordaville? Or Fayville or Southville? The Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC) wants to know what you think. In the current bylaws, zoning for each of Southborough’s four business villages is exactly the same. But as part of their project to revamp the town’s Read the full article → from Public workshop on Southborough’s villages