Town Meeting: Salaries raised to “market rate”, grilling over cemetery supervisor, and hiring an economic coordinator

Town Meeting voters approved more than $50 million in town budgets and expenditures last night. But there’s still a lot of business to be resolved tonight.

Residents didn’t question the bulk of the budget or the biggest expenses. Instead, much of the night was spent debating issues related to town personnel. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Salaries raised to “market rate”, grilling over cemetery supervisor, and hiring an economic coordinator

BOS: Reinstating Cemetery Superviser; support TA and DPW

The Board of Selectmen have requested the reinstatement of the town’s Cemetery Supervisor.

The board acknowledged communication problems about the layoff. But they refuted charges that there were any violatations of Open Meeting Laws. They also heard and dismissed the petitioned request to remove the Town Administrator and DPW Director for their roles in the communications and layoff. Read the full article → from BOS: Reinstating Cemetery Superviser; support TA and DPW

SWL: Vocal residents file meeting law violation and push for firing of DPW Chief and Town Administrator

This spring, two residents have led the charge on objections to the layoff of Southborough’s Cemetery Supervisor. Now, according to Southborough Wicked Local, the women have filed an official complaint about the behavior of the Department of Public Works Director and the Town Administrator. Read the full article → from SWL: Vocal residents file meeting law violation and push for firing of DPW Chief and Town Administrator

Town employee layoff: Media and Advisory members question if voters were deceived

On Saturday, a new Southborough Wicked Local report cleared up misconceptions about how town employee Bridget Gilleney-DeCenzo was informed that her job was being eliminated. But it is also raising new questions about whether town administrators intentionally misled the Advisory Committee and town voters. Read the full article → from Town employee layoff: Media and Advisory members question if voters were deceived

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