Town Election and Candidates at-a-Glance (Updated)

Candidate positions and other details about the races for Select Board, School Committee, Planning Board, and BCTF

This Tuesday, May 9th, is the Town Election. Here are the details you need, including links to information about the candidates running in the four contested races. Read the full article → from Town Election and Candidates at-a-Glance (Updated)

Town Meeting’s vote to lower the voting age is just the first step (Updated)

A Citizen's Petition was supported by Town Meeting, but efforts by other towns haven't made it through the state legislature. Here's my recap of the TM discussion and the road ahead.

I’m writing up some highlights from the Annual Town Meeting discussion and potential implications of the Citizen’s Petition to lower the voting age in Town elections to 17 years old. I also followed up our Town’s representatives in the state legislature about their positions. Read the full article → from Town Meeting’s vote to lower the voting age is just the first step (Updated)

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