Virus update: 1st resident’s family member infected; Town trails & Trottier track open; Golf Course closed; Election postponed

This morning, the Town issued another update. It includes news of a second infected resident and some policy changes and decisions made out of last night’s Board of Selectmen meeting. Read the full article → from Virus update: 1st resident’s family member infected; Town trails & Trottier track open; Golf Course closed; Election postponed

Town Election: Pull papers by Friday to file by Monday; Update on who’s running (Updated)

If you’re interested in running for Town Office, you have until 5:00 pm tomorrow (Friday, March 20th) to pull nomination papers. The deadline to file papers signed by 50 registered voters is this Monday, March 24th. (Don’t forget to call ahead to the Town House to pull papers.) Read the full article → from Town Election: Pull papers by Friday to file by Monday; Update on who’s running (Updated)

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