Town Meeting: Recreation lighting projects and Historic preservation (or not)

I already updated you on what passed and failed at Town Meeting, including last night. And I filled you in on action around some of the business from Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Now, here’s a deeper look back. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Recreation lighting projects and Historic preservation (or not)

Town Meeting 2016 recap: Preservationists prevail across the board; every voter mattered (Updated-again)

Two voters (and meeting procedures) were the difference between holding onto the “rotting”, historic Fayville Hall (with its “cess pit”) and authorizing selectmen to “dispose of it”. Read the full article → from Town Meeting 2016 recap: Preservationists prevail across the board; every voter mattered (Updated-again)

Town efforts: Evaluating resources/needs; Pursuing aggregate electricity savings for community

The town is working on three projects worth knowing about: Identifying excess Town properties; pursuing a power supply aggregate for the community; and evaluating recreational gym and field needs in town. Read the full article → from Town efforts: Evaluating resources/needs; Pursuing aggregate electricity savings for community

Should we get rid of the Arts Center?

Advisory Committee member Al Hamilton has a plan to balance the budget, and it doesn’t revolve around layoffs or salary freezes or cuts to programs. What’s his magic bullet? Sell the Southborough Arts Center. Or Fayville Hall, or Fire Station 2, or the Cemetery Building, all of which he labels “money pits.” In a recent Read the full article → from Should we get rid of the Arts Center?

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