A special flag flew over Finn this weekend, one that came all the way from Baghdad. Read the full article → from A special Memorial Day observance for Finn students
A special flag flew over Finn this weekend, one that came all the way from Baghdad. Read the full article → from A special Memorial Day observance for Finn students
Finn students will get a chance to exercise not just their brains, but also their legs tomorrow as part of Walk to School Wednesday. Read the full article → from Tomorrow is Walk to School Wednesday at Finn
Last night WBZ-TV ran a piece on the latest fad in kid accessories: Silly Bandz. Those of you with young ones know that Silly Bandz are brightly-colored rubber bracelets in the shape of animals. A private school in Milton recently banned the bracelets because they’ve become such a distraction for kids. Turns out, they’re a distraction in our town, too. Read the full article → from Silly Bandz a no-no at Finn
Need some motivation to stick with your fitness resolutions this new year? How about signing up for the second annual Finn March Madness 5K run/2K walk? Read the full article → from Register for the Finn March Madness 5K road race
In this year of H1N1 mania, we’re all trying to be on our best behavior when it comes to things like washing hands and covering up coughs and sneezes. The kids at Finn have some helpful – and gosh darn cute – reminders to help. Read the full article → from A musical ettiquette reminder from the kids at Finn
The Southborough Public School’s Integrated Pre-School Program is inviting Southborough kids who will be three years old by June 15, 2010 to schedule a screening for possible enrollment next fall. The program brings together neighborhood children and special needs children. Last year Finn became one of the first early childhood development centers in the nation Read the full article → from Preschool screening at Finn
Do you have kids at Finn? If so, the Finn SOS invites you to enjoy an evening of fun at the annual Finn Family Sock Hop and Pizza Party on Friday night. The event will be held in the Finn School gymnasium and cafeteria from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Here are some more details from Read the full article → from A way to get the kids hopping on Friday night
The Metrowest Daily News reported recently that the Southborough Education Foundation awarded $33,000 in grants to fund new programs in Southborough schools and at Algonquin. “So many teachers out there are doing the work and coming up with grant ideas to make the schools better,” said foundation President Nicki Healey. The grant money will go Read the full article → from In the media: Southborough group awards $33K in education grants
If you’re sending your kid to Finn for kindergarten or preschool next year, here’s a story that will make you feel good about your choice. After a nearly two-year process, Finn became one of the first early childhood development centers in the nation to be accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Read the full article → from Finn one of first in nation to receive prestigious accreditation
The Southborough Recreation Department is sponsoring Walk to School Wednesdays to promote physical activity and practice safe walking to and from school. Today and next Wednesday, Finn students are encouraged to walk to school with an adult if they live close enough. If not, they can drive to the Arts Center and walk from there. Read the full article → from Today is Walk to School Wednesday at Finn
Saturday was the first ever Finn March Madness 5K run/2K walk, and Finn SOS Chair Laura Eppen said the event went well. The race went very well! We had a very good turn out for our fist time event. Most of the Finn teachers as well as the principal, nurse, reading specialist participated in the Read the full article → from Finn March Madness race results
If you haven’t registered yet for the Finn March Madness Run/Walk taking place this weekend, there’s still time. Sign up online by Friday at 5:00 and get a free t-shirt. You can also register on Saturday before the race, but it will cost you $5 more. Proceeds benefit Finn School. Babysitting is available during the Read the full article → from Sign up for the Finn March Madness Run/Walk
Despite what you might see when you look out the window, spring is right around the corner, and so is the first road race of the season. The Finn SOS is sponsoring the first ever Finn March Madness 5K Run/2-Mile Walk on Saturday, March 28th. The event will raise money for Finn School. Advance registration Read the full article → from Finn March Madness Road Race
Online registration for Recreation After School Programs (RAP) begins today. Walk-in registration starts tomorrow. The winter RAP schedule runs February 2 through March 20. Programs are offered at Finn, Woodward, Neary, and Trottier and cover everything from cheerleading to martial arts to cooking to woodworking. There’s even a program at Woodward for Beasties drawing with Read the full article → from Winter RAP registration starts today