What the fire department has been up to

Tuesday 11/10/09 09:33 Gas leak, Marlboro Road and Sears Road 21:54 Mutual aid given, Joanne Drive, Ashland Wednesday 11/11/09 01:59 EMS call, Jericho Hill Road Thursday 11/12/09 15:03 EMS call, John Street 15:20 EMS call, Newton Street 20:35 Unintentional smoke detector activation, no fire, Overlook Drive Friday 11/13/09 18:53 EMS call, Southville Road Saturday 11/14/09 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to

What the fire department has been up to

Tuesday 11/3/09 01:11 EMS call, Mitchell Street 11:29 EMS call, Main Street 14:32 EMS call, Newton Street 17:33 EMS call, Boston Road Wednesday 11/4/09 20:37 EMS call, Constitution Drive Thursday 11/5/09 04:08 Cover assignment, Worcester Road, Framingham 11:10 Unintentional transmission of alarm, Turnpike Road 11:30 EMS call, Newton Street 14:57 EMS call, Crestview Drive 15:14 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to

What the fire department has been up to

Tuesday 10/27/09 08:08 Gas leak, Main Street 13:23 Assist police or other agency, Autumn Hill Lane 19:34 Vehicle accident with injuries, Turnpike Road and Crystal Pond Road Wednesday 10/28/09 03:58 Assist invalid, Admiral Lane 07:00 Vehicle accident with injuries, Mass Pike East 22:16 EMS call, Admiral Lane Thursday 10/29/09 08:15 EMS call, Admiral Lane 10:56 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 10/20/09 11:52 EMS call, William Onthank Lane Wednesday 10/21/09 11:36 EMS call, Newton Street 16:56 Lock-out, Boston Road 18:52 Vehicle accident with injuries, Johnson Road and Main Street Thursday 10/22/09 07:40 Vehicle accident with injuries, Mass Pike East 10:19 EMS call, Newton Street 11:34 Mutual aid given, Cedar Street, Ashland 15:18 Alarm system activation Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 10/13/09 05:02 EMS call, Boston Road 08:00 Vehicle accident with injuries, Turnpike Road and Middle Road (North side) 23:15 EMS call, North Street Wednesday 10/14/09 13:39 EMS call, Newton Street Thursday 10/15/09 07:06 EMS call, Woodbury Road 07:28 Assist police or other agency, Turnpike Road and Breakneck Hill Road 09:22 EMS call, Meadow Lane Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 10/6/09 07:12 EMS call, Turnpike Road 18:51 EMS call, Turnpike Road 21:13 EMS call, Dinsmore Ave, Framingham Wednesday 10/7/09 11:07 EMS call, Turnpike Road and White Bagley Road 15:05 Power line down, Parkerville Road 16:21 Power line down, Cordaville Road 16:43 Service call, Turnpike Road 16:46 Power line down, Fisher Road 17:27 Smoke scare, Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 9/29/09 18:38 Gasoline or other flammable spill, 495 South Wednesday 9/30/09 21:22 EMS call, 495 North 22:26 Carbon monoxide incident, Autumn Hill Lane Thursday 10/1/09 12:32 EMS call, Richards Road 13:17 Public service assistance, Boston Road 13:41 EMS call, Woodland Road 14:06 EMS call, Boston Road 16:57 EMS call, Main Street Friday 10/2/09 18:25 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 9/22/09 00:01 EMS call, Southville Road 11:07 Unintentional alarm system activation, Cordaville Road Wednesday 9/23/09 00:15 EMS call, Southville Road 10:37 Gas leak, General Henry Knox Road 13:19 EMS call, Coslin Drive 18:14 Good intent call, Turnpike Road Thursday 9/24/09 12:52 Hazardous condition, Ward Road 14:24 Unintentional transmission of alarm, Harvest Lane 15:46 System Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to

Tuesday 9/15/09 11:38 EMS call, Richards Road Wednesday 9/16/09 No calls reported Thursday 9/17/09 09:59 EMS call, Turnpike Road 11:28 EMS call, Newton Street 14:37 Gas leak (natural gas or LPG), Middle Road 14:44 EMS call, Parkerville Road 17:53 Gas leak (natural gas or LPG), Wells Lane Friday 9/18/09 00:58 EMS call, Turnpike Road 06:49 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 9/8/09 17:01 EMS call, Main Street 18:19 Unintentional alarm system activation, Main Street 19:06 Smoke scare/odor of smoke, Highland Street Wednesday 9/9/09 09:09 Oil or other combustible spill, Route 495 north, south of exit 23C 11:36 EMS call, Hickory Road Thursday 9/10/09 No calls reported Friday 9/11/09 11:25 Unintentional smoke detector activation (no fire), Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to this week

Tuesday 9/1/09 06:22 EMS call, Stowe Road 15:00 EMS call, Highland Street 17:13 Vehicle accident with injuries, Newton Street and Cross Street 19:11 Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident, Main Street and Sears Road 19:17 EMS call, Learned Street 21:15 EMS call, Southville Road Wednesday 9/2/09 08:55 EMS call, Atwood Street 09:44 EMS call, Presidential Drive Thursday 9/3/09 Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to this week

What the fire department has been up to

Tuesday 8/25/09 01:27 EMS call, Winchester Street 04:40 Unintentional smoke detector activation, no fire, Gilmore Road 10:32 Alarm system activation due to malfunction, Skylar Drive 12:09 EMS call, Northboro Road 17:15 EMS call, East Main Street 19:03 EMS call, Flagg Road Wednesday 8/26/09 06:50 EMS call, Highland Street 07:13 Carbon monoxide detector activation due to Read the full article → from What the fire department has been up to

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