Selectmen: No Park Central access to Flagg Road unless developer/state come up with a plan to solve access/egress issues

The Board of Selectmen voted 3-1 to force the developer and MassDOT to figure out a solution to Park Central egress/access. If they don’t, the board plans to prohibit the development’s access to Flagg Road. Read the full article → from Selectmen: No Park Central access to Flagg Road unless developer/state come up with a plan to solve access/egress issues

BOS to work with state on safety issues at Flagg and Rte 9; Deerfoot sidewalk and Flagg speed humps to be considered by Town

Earlier this week, the Board of Selectmen heard a presentation on safety issues and solutions for Deerfoot and Flagg Roads. Read the full article → from BOS to work with state on safety issues at Flagg and Rte 9; Deerfoot sidewalk and Flagg speed humps to be considered by Town

Flagg and Deerfoot Road study highlights dangers to pedestrians, pushes for sidewalks

The Town has posted results of a study on Deerfoot and Flagg Road safety issues. Engineers confirmed safety issues for pedestrians, especially school aged children, along the streets. Read the full article → from Flagg and Deerfoot Road study highlights dangers to pedestrians, pushes for sidewalks

Hearings on Solar & Over 55 housing bylaws; Discussion on Flagg Road safety; and 9/11 Field and Burnett House updates you may have missed

I just discovered that two recent stories didn’t show up under “News” stories headings. That means some of you who follow News or Government News on the blog likely missed them. And there’s an update on tomorrow night’s Planning Board meeting. Read the full article → from Hearings on Solar & Over 55 housing bylaws; Discussion on Flagg Road safety; and 9/11 Field and Burnett House updates you may have missed

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