This late in the fall, many of you may have assumed the EEE threat has passed. The Town is reminding that it hasn’t. Read the full article → from Southborough reminds trick or treaters of EEE threat
This late in the fall, many of you may have assumed the EEE threat has passed. The Town is reminding that it hasn’t. Read the full article → from Southborough reminds trick or treaters of EEE threat
Here’s how Southborough public school students will be celebrating tomorrow. Read the full article → from Celebrating Halloween in Southborough
You can enjoy haunted house spooks, Harry Potter fun, and creepy Pirates on Parkerville Road this Thursday evening. Read the full article → from Come on out to the “Best of Parkerville” on Halloween night
Southborough Police and Fire Departments are inviting the public to join them at their new combined station this weekend. The Town has released new details about the activities scheduled. Read the full article → from Public Safety Building Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Tours on Saturday (new details)
The Town of Southborough will hold its annual Halloween Party for Southborough kids on Friday, October 25th. If you have middle schoolers or high schoolers, you may want to nudge them to sign up as volunteers.
(If you have younger kids, you’ll want to save the date.) Read the full article → from Town’s Halloween Party – October 25
Fay School Farmer’s Market is open one more time this fall. They’ll partner with the Library again to offer Halloween themed fun for kids. Read the full article → from Fay’s last Farmer’s Market to host Library Halloween parade and party – October 26 (Updated)
This week, the Town posted the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony details with times. That prompted me to check if the firefighters would be hosting their traditional weekend-before-Halloween party. Read the full article → from Public Safety Building Update: October 26th Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Tours, and the annual SFA Halloween Parade
The Town of Southborough will hold its annual Halloween Party for Southborough kids on Friday, October 25th. If you have middle schoolers or high schoolers, you may want to nudge them to sign up as volunteers.
(If you have younger kids, you’ll want to save the date.) Read the full article → from Halloween Party: Seeking volunteers (6th grade and up) for wicked fun – Oct 25