The Interboro Community Band will hold a holiday concert at Trottier on December 18. The band, formerly under the direction of the late Dennis Wrenn, is a collection of about 50 musicians who hail from all of the Boros, along with other communities. They range in age from high school students through seniors. The band is led by Trottier music director Jamie Clark. Read the full article → from Reminder: Interboro Community Band holiday concert tomorrow night
Holiday giving: Fire Department toy drive ends Friday
Every year the Southborough Fire Department collects toys to donate to the Salvation Army. Fire Chief John Mauro Jr. says this year donations are way down. Read the full article → from Holiday giving: Fire Department toy drive ends Friday
Boys Scouts will take away your old Christmas tree

In my house the Christmas decorations just went up, so I’m not ready yet to think about taking them down. But when I do, Boy Scout Troop 1 will be ready and willing to help. Read the full article → from Boys Scouts will take away your old Christmas tree
Photo: Holiday display on Harris Drive
We drove the toddler around town this weekend to check out all the lights. Of course she was wowed by the display on Banfill Lane. We also found an impressive display on Harris Drive. Read the full article → from Photo: Holiday display on Harris Drive
SYFS gift card drive ends tomorrow, donations needed

Donations to the annual Southborough Youth and Family Services (SYFS) gift card drive this year have been low. SYFS sets up collection boxes at Finn, Woodward, and Neary, and as of last week each box contained no more than five gift cards. And with a deadline of tomorrow, Southborough families need your help. Read the full article → from SYFS gift card drive ends tomorrow, donations needed
Happy Hannukah, Southborough

Hannukah begins at sundown tonight. Wishing a joyous holiday to those of you in Southborough who celebrate the Festival of Lights. Read the full article → from Happy Hannukah, Southborough
Santa’s helpers say thanks
Head elf Nancy Gould enjoyed a bird’s-eye view of Southborough on Saturday when she got to accompany Santa on his helicopter flight into town. It’s a view most of us will never see. Read the full article → from Santa’s helpers say thanks
Photos: Santa arrives in dramatic fashion
The rain (mostly) held off for Santa’s arrival on Saturday. What drizzle there was couldn’t dampen the spirits of the kids who showed up to greet him. Here are some images from the annual event. Read the full article → from Photos: Santa arrives in dramatic fashion
The definitive Southborough shopping and gift guide

With all these Southborough shopping options, you’re sure to find something for everyone on your list without ever having to leave town. Read the full article → from The definitive Southborough shopping and gift guide
Southborough Historical Society Museum open on Saturday

If you’ve never visited the Southborough Historical Society Museum located behind Pilgrim Church, now’s your chance. The museum will be open special hours on Saturday to showcase their exhibits on historic Southborough. Read the full article → from Southborough Historical Society Museum open on Saturday
St. Mark’s Christmas Bazaar on Saturday
There’s oh-so-much holiday goodness going on this weekend. Here’s another event to add to the list. St. Mark’s will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Parish Hall. Read the full article → from St. Mark’s Christmas Bazaar on Saturday
Reminder: Santa arrives on Saturday!

Don’t forget, Santa will make his annual pilgrimage to Southborough on Saturday, landing via helicopter on St. Mark’s field at 12:00 pm. Then he’ll head over to the Community House for pictures with the kids. Read the full article → from Reminder: Santa arrives on Saturday!
Pilgrim Church to present Handel’s Messiah on Sunday

It’s an annual holiday tradition at Pilgrim Church: a performance of G.F. Handel’s The Messiah. And this year it happens on Sunday, December 6. Read the full article → from Pilgrim Church to present Handel’s Messiah on Sunday
Christmas trees on sale at the fire station

The annual Christmas tree sale at the Southborough Fire Stations begins today. Hours are weekdays from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, and weekends from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Read the full article → from Christmas trees on sale at the fire station