An update on new rates and other news related to the Town’s water system. Read the full article → from Water System & Rates Update
An update on new rates and other news related to the Town’s water system. Read the full article → from Water System & Rates Update
I’m recapping highlights from the Town sponsored articles during the lesser attended evening session of Annual Town Meeting. (Stay tuned for coverage of the Citizen Petition Articles.) Read the full article → from Other Town Meeting Highlights
Voters approved a lot of important town business over the course of nine hours on Saturday. Read the full article → from Town Meeting vote results
As the Select Board pursues a letter of Intent with Hopkinton to take the next steps on the potential project, and FAQs are posted for the public, it’s time for an update. Read the full article → from Update on Hopkinton-MWRA connection request
Town officials have been asked to consider a waterworks project that would allow Hopkinton to tap into MWRA’s supply through Southborough. The Select Board and others put out a public call to have the Public Works Planning Board hold public hearings on the matter. Read the full article → from Town to look at Hopkinton water connection proposal including new Oak Hill Water Tower