A list of department and committee meetings for the week. Read the full article → from The week in government (3/17/14-3/23/14): Main Street – historic district and reconstruction project
Town road news: Parking ban extended to 3/31, Bridge St open, and Main St project information sharing (Updated)

Announcements and news from the town and this week’s BOS meeting. Read the full article → from Town road news: Parking ban extended to 3/31, Bridge St open, and Main St project information sharing (Updated)
Main Street project: PB last night, BOS tonight, state hearing moved & more meetings abound

Including tonight, there are three meetings planned related to the Main Street project, prior to Town Meeting. Plus a date change on the State public hearing. Read the full article → from Main Street project: PB last night, BOS tonight, state hearing moved & more meetings abound
Town officials not in agreement on Main Street project reassessment
Support for reassessing the Main Street project was discussed and debated at Monday night’s Planning Board meeting. Read the full article → from Town officials not in agreement on Main Street project reassessment
Planning Board to discuss reassesment of Main Street project articles and continuing controversies – February 10

The Planning Board will meet on Monday night to discuss 9 warrant articles for the Annual Town Meeting. Two are old ones mired in controversy. Four of the articles are related to a recent citizen effort to reassess the Main Street project and burying/moving utility wires. Read the full article → from Planning Board to discuss reassesment of Main Street project articles and continuing controversies – February 10
Main Street reconstruction project could happen in fiscal year 2017

The long-awaited Main Street reconstruction project is one step closer to reality. Town Administrator Mark Purple announced last week the project has been placed on the draft three-year Transportation Improvement Plan put together by the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization. While that’s good news, Purple said if the draft is approved, the earliest the project is likely to get underway is fiscal year 2017. Read the full article → from Main Street reconstruction project could happen in fiscal year 2017
Selectmen pass on plan to bury utility wires along Main Street

Many of you may remember there’s a project in the works to upgrade Main Street, one that will include repaving the road and widening it at some points. While selectmen approved the project design in 2010, still outstanding was the question of whether utility lines along Main Street should be buried underground while the reconstruction work was taking place. Read the full article → from Selectmen pass on plan to bury utility wires along Main Street
Will Southborough get state funding for Main Street redesign?

Selectman last week put their stamp of approval on a design to revamp Main Street from Sears Road to Park Street. It’s a project that has been in the works for about a decade. DPW Superintendent Karen Galligan has said she hopes construction will begin in 2014, but according to a recent story by the Worcester Business Journal, getting the anticipated state funding for the project may be an uphill battle. Read the full article → from Will Southborough get state funding for Main Street redesign?
Selectmen endorse plan to widen Main Street

We all know the stretch of Main Street west of Route 85 along the town common can get pretty tight, especially when cars are parked along the road. Selectmen last night unanimously endorsed a plan to widen the roadway to create as many as 14 dedicated parking spots. It’s part of a larger plan to redesign Main Street from Sears Road to Park Street. Read the full article → from Selectmen endorse plan to widen Main Street
Selectmen consider Main Street redesign tonight

At their meeting tonight, selectmen will once again take up the issue of how to redesign Main Street west of Route 85. At issue is whether and how to accommodate parking on the narrow section of street. Read the full article → from Selectmen consider Main Street redesign tonight
No decision on Main Street redesign

The several dozen residents who turned out last night to hear the plan for Main Street in front of the Town Common left disappointed when the Board of Selectmen opted to defer their decision on the issue. Read the full article → from No decision on Main Street redesign
Selectmen to consider the fate of Main Street tonight

To move the wall or not to move the wall, that is the question. At least it’s one of the questions before selectmen tonight as they consider how to proceeded with the Main Street reconstruction project. Read the full article → from Selectmen to consider the fate of Main Street tonight
Selectmen news: Main Street redesign and Marlboro Road water issues
I wasn’t at the Board of Selectmen meeting last night, but from the reports in the Metrowest Daily News, it sounds like it was an eventful one. Here’s a recap. Read the full article → from Selectmen news: Main Street redesign and Marlboro Road water issues
Selectmen consider how to handle parking along Main Street
We all know that parking along Main Street can be a problem. Cars are parked on the sidewalk forcing pedestrians into the street. Existing business like the Morris Funeral Home have precious little space to accommodate their needs. Selectmen said it’s a problem they agree needs to be solved, but not at the expense of Read the full article → from Selectmen consider how to handle parking along Main Street