Town taking early steps on denser housing zoning

The Planning Board will seek public feedback on how best to comply with the state's "MBTA Communities" requirements for 50 acres of by-right zoning for denser housing.

The Planning Board is leading the Town’s effort to comply with state requirements to allow denser housing in communities with MBTA public transit. Read the full article → from Town taking early steps on denser housing zoning

Neary Building Committee Update (Updated)

Moving to Feasibility Phase; Seeking new members with engineering/architectural/construction experience; Updates on enrollment and costs

Last spring, voters approved the Town’s efforts to study a potential school building project.

That project was just approved by the Mass School Building Authority to enter a new project phase. So, it’s time for an update — including the committee’s call for new members with relevant experience. Read the full article → from Neary Building Committee Update (Updated)

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