Recently, Town officials learned that the state grant to co-fund a Library building project didn’t come through. Here is my recap of what happened and the next steps. Read the full article → from Library didn’t get grant for building project
Recently, Town officials learned that the state grant to co-fund a Library building project didn’t come through. Here is my recap of what happened and the next steps. Read the full article → from Library didn’t get grant for building project
I’m sharing an update on the big school building project status, including estimated costs, a zoom forum next week, and other ways to stay informed and ask questions. Read the full article → from Neary Building seeking community input on potentially over $80-$120M project at forum on Tuesday (Updated)
The Select Board was presented this week with concepts for how Finn School could be converted to a Community Center in the future, with some storage and offices for municipal departments. Read the full article → from Community Center committee recommends using Finn School (if available)
The Library is collecting community feedback on its building and “the services, amenities, and space” it provides. There is one last public forum (over zoom) and an online survey. Read the full article → from Share your opinions on the Library Building
The Library is using both a survey and public forums to collect community feedback on its building and “the services, amenities, and space” it provides. Read the full article → from Library is seeking public input on its building
Work is kicking off this summer for a small addition to the Southborough Senior Center. So, it’s a good time to give an overdue update on overlapping Town facilities projects. Read the full article → from Senior Center renovation and municipal building plan update
A committee looking at possibilities for meeting the Town’s long term facility needs (including for offices and recreational programming) is asking the public to make sure they aren’t missing any considerations. Read the full article → from Community Center Exploration Committee is asking for your attention
The Select Board formed a Community Center Exploratory Committee. Now they are looking for volunteers to serve on it. I’m also sharing info on other committee vacancies. Read the full article → from Seeking members for Community Exploratory Committee (and other committees)
Earlier this month, the Planning Board accepted the final version of the Town’s Master Plan. Last night, they created a sub-committee to oversee its implementation. Read the full article → from Master Plan: Final version out, Implementation Committee created, Community Center Committee to be established
The Southborough Library is seeking feedback from the community. Read the full article → from Library surveying on “Space and Services” needs by March 13th
Described as “phase zero” of Town’s analysis, consultants studying the Town’s space needs and options recommended a plan to completely repurpose two Town owned buildings. Read the full article → from Town’s consultants recommend use of Woodward as municipal building/community center and Town House as Library annex
While a formal decision has yet to be made – the School Research Subcommittee seems on track to recommend closing one school. It would be part of a multi-pronged approach to handle municipal building needs. Read the full article → from Town research into “closing” a current school and selling an old school may lead to new building renovation projects (Updated)