Garden Tour & Plant Sale – Sept 23 (Updated)

OSPC is again pairing the tour of a pollinator gardens with the sale of the types of native plants that populate it.

OSPC is offering another opportunity to learn more about gardens that support pollinators and how you can help — including buying plants to start your own project at home. Read the full article → from Garden Tour & Plant Sale – Sept 23 (Updated)

Work in the Library’s Pollination Garden – Saturday

Volunteers are sought to help at a "Garden Workday" this weekend at the garden created to support native butterflies and bees.

flowers in Southborough Library Pollination Garden - Summer 2023 (contributed by Freddie Gillespie)

The Open Space Preservation Commission is seeking volunteers for a “Garden Workday” at the Southborough Library’s Pollination Preservation Garden. Read the full article → from Work in the Library’s Pollination Garden – Saturday

Garden Tours & Plant Sale – Saturday

OSPC's guided tours of two of their pollinator gardens will be paired with the sale of native plants.

Over the past two years, volunteers have planted and maintained two gardens that support native pollinators in Southborough. This Saturday, you can learn more details about them and what you can do at home — including buying some plants that will be on sale. Read the full article → from Garden Tours & Plant Sale – Saturday

Native Plant Sale added to Sunday’s Planet Palooza activities

OSPC's Earth Day Concert and Pollination Preservation Garden Talk and Tour will be followed by their sale of plants friendly to native pollinators.

The Open Space Preservation Commission is hoping third time’s the charm for their outdoor concert and Pollinator Garden events. Read the full article → from Native Plant Sale added to Sunday’s Planet Palooza activities

’23 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated Again)

Register now for seed pickup this Sunday morning and/or Workshop on Sunday afternoon

If you’d like to have plants in your yard and around the community this summer that support native pollinators, sign up now to sow the seeds this winter to make that happen. Read the full article → from ’23 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated Again)

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