’23 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated Again)

Register now for seed pickup this Sunday morning and/or Workshop on Sunday afternoon

If you’d like to have plants in your yard and around the community this summer that support native pollinators, sign up now to sow the seeds this winter to make that happen. Read the full article → from ’23 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated Again)

Native Garden Tours, Native Solutions webinar, and another Seed event

A week from Saturday, the Open Space Preservation Commission will be showing off its Native Pollinator Gardens at two special events. As long as I’m sharing that news, I also have other news that may be of interest to readers who care about gardening and/or native solutions. Read the full article → from Native Garden Tours, Native Solutions webinar, and another Seed event

Register now for Winter Sow program to support Native Pollinator • Native Plant initiative (Updated)

If you’d like to have flowering native plants in your yard and around the community this summer to support native pollinators, you can sign up to sow the seeds this winter to make that possible. Read the full article → from Register now for Winter Sow program to support Native Pollinator • Native Plant initiative (Updated)

Webinar on saving pollinators (and success of Breakneck Hill’s pollinator habitat) – Monday

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On Monday evening, you can learn about how to use an expert’s list of plants to support native pollinators at risk. You can also hear about the success of a special pollinator initiative based in town. Read the full article → from Webinar on saving pollinators (and success of Breakneck Hill’s pollinator habitat) – Monday

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