The focus of a news story and videos from three events in the past few months are close enough in nature to prompt a hybrid roundup. Read the full article → from Protecting nature: Pesticide dangers, organic gardening, and supporting pollinators
The focus of a news story and videos from three events in the past few months are close enough in nature to prompt a hybrid roundup. Read the full article → from Protecting nature: Pesticide dangers, organic gardening, and supporting pollinators
Next Tuesday is another event encouraging residents to support pollinators. Read the full article → from Butterfly & Hummingbird Gardens w/Ellen Sousa – May 15
Southborough Open Land Foundation’s Annual Meeting is next week. As is their tradition, it will include a guest presenter, awards, and light refreshments. Read the full article → from Supporting Pollinators and SOLF Annual Meeting – May 9th
Learn how yards and gardens play a critical role in keeping many species from becoming extinct Also discover how to design and grow native and edible plants – for beautiful, functional, and sustainable landscapes in Northeastern Massachusetts. Read the full article → from Small Lawns (lower maintenance yards that support native species) – June 20
The Open Space Preservation Commission is bringing back a smash hit from last year. It’s the family friendly “Caterpillars, Live” lab. Read the full article → from Caterpillars, Live for all ages – June 15
A member of the stewardship committee is working with a scientist who already identified three bees at Breakneck Hill as insects previously thought no longer existing in our state. Read the full article → from Help rare pollinators – workshop Sunday (Updated)
The Open Space Preservation Commission is sponsoring another nature event. This one is a family friendly “Caterpillars, Live” lab. Read the full article → from Caterpillar Lab for kids and adults – June 7th (Updated)
Here is the latest round of videos from local media and the schools. Read the full article → from Helping sustain pollinators: Talks, important facts, pending legislation and links
Chestnut Hill Farm is hosting a special workshop this weekend. The focus is Orchard Mason Bee nest construction. And a reminder about an event readers may have missed notice on over spring break. Read the full article → from Pollinator talk and workshop – butterflies tonight and bees on Saturday
Learn how you can help use flowers to sustain butterfly populations in our area. Read the full article → from Learn how to entice butterflies and help pollinators – April 26
A member of the stewardship committee is working with a scientist who already identified three bees at Breakneck Hill as insects previously thought no longer existing in our state. Read the full article → from Help rare pollinators – workshop August 1 (Updated)