Town Election Update: Potential Select Board race brewing

The two incumbents and a potential challenger have pulled papers to run for two seats in an election that will likely have much higher participation than usual.

As promised, I’m keeping tabs on who will and won’t run for office in the May election. Read the full article → from Town Election Update: Potential Select Board race brewing

Learn about the Neary Building Project:

Presentations, tours, and updated website

Four upcoming public events will seek to educate residents and answer questions on the proposal for the most expensive building project the Town has ever funded. Plus, the Neary Building Committee has issued updated FAQs and updated the details on its dedicated website. Read the full article → from Learn about the Neary Building Project:

4 Grade Version of Building Approved for Neary School project (Updated)

Last night, members of the Neary Building Committee chose not to delay their decision on the big school project.

According to the Chair, they cast a unanimous vote to approve the version voters will be asked to approve or reject at a Town Meeting in April. That choice was for a 4 grade school. Read the full article → from 4 Grade Version of Building Approved for Neary School project (Updated)

Survey on potential $105M Neary School project due at Noon on Monday (Updated – with lower estimates)

2 or 4 grade school? $60-80M or $85-105M? Keeping Finn open or closing it? These are the big decisions that will be voted on Monday night. Right now is your chance to weigh in.

This past Tuesday, a message was posted to NSBORO’s Parent Square. It notified that a survey was due in less than a week on an important topic that officials will vote on this Monday night — which big building project to pursue for Neary School.

The problem is that it seems that not all (if any) parents received an email or text to notify them about the Parent Square post.

And the survey purports to be asking for feedback from the entire community. Yet, no message has been issued by the Town on the topic. Read the full article → from Survey on potential $105M Neary School project due at Noon on Monday (Updated – with lower estimates)

School Building Update: Save the Date for August 12th

2-year student relocation plan, upcoming critical vote on which version of the building project to pursue, and more.

For parents, neighbors, and taxpayers interested in weighing in on the big project, August 12th is a key date worth marking in your calendars. Read the full article → from School Building Update: Save the Date for August 12th

Neary Building seeking community input on potentially over $80-$120M project at forum on Tuesday (Updated)

News on the project status, estimated costs, an upcoming forum, and how to stay informed and ask questions.

I’m sharing an update on the big school building project status, including estimated costs, a zoom forum next week, and other ways to stay informed and ask questions. Read the full article → from Neary Building seeking community input on potentially over $80-$120M project at forum on Tuesday (Updated)

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