A lot happened at last week’s Annual Town Meeting. Here is my final coverage on the discussions and votes. Read the full article → from Town Meeting Wrap Up: Noise Bylaw, PILOT Committee, and clarifying Neary Feasibility Study (Updated)
A lot happened at last week’s Annual Town Meeting. Here is my final coverage on the discussions and votes. Read the full article → from Town Meeting Wrap Up: Noise Bylaw, PILOT Committee, and clarifying Neary Feasibility Study (Updated)
It was a long night at Annual Town Meeting, but voters and officials worked together to get through the Warrant rather than continue to a third one. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: Quick recap of final votes (Updated)
The committee charged with drafting a Noise Bylaw in preparation for Annual Town Meeting is inviting the public to a forum this week. Read the full article → from Noise Bylaw: Draft available for review; Public Forum Thursday
Last week, the Noise Bylaw Committee presented their survey’s results. Read the full article → from Noise Bylaw survey results: 50% in favor of a law while 37% disagree
A survey asks the community about their experiences, annoyances, and opinions related to noises in their neighborhood. Read the full article → from Reminder Noise Bylaw Survey responses due by Sunday
A survey asks the community about their experiences, annoyances, and opinions related to noises in their neighborhood. Read the full article → from Noise Bylaw Survey – Respond by January 2nd
A hearing will be held this Wednesday night and interested members of the public are encouraged to participate. Read the full article → from Noise Bylaw Committee seeking your input – Wednesday at 7:30 (Updated)
The Board of Selectmen is following through on a promise to appoint members of an Ad-hoc Committee to recommend a Noise Bylaw for Southborough. The plan is to name members at their first meeting this month “come hell or high water”. Read the full article → from Noise Bylaw Committee: Apply by Tuesday; Charge revised; BOS discusses need for balance
The Town is seeking five residents “at-large” to volunteer to help draft a “Noise Bylaw”. Read the full article → from Volunteer for Noise Bylaw Committee
Although voters rejected a Citizen’s Petition Article, they made clear to Town officials that they want to see the issue behind it addressed. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Voters call for a Noise Bylaw – just not the Article presented (Updated)
Some residents were disappointed that selectmen dropped the placeholder for a noise bylaw Article for this year’s Annual Town Meeting. Rather than waiting for the Town to take the reins for a future year, they pushed on with their own efforts.
The Article would limit sound levels any time of day for some activities, other by hours, and some by both. Read the full article → from Article 31: Noise Bylaw Overview, Debate and Citizen Petitioners’ Info sessions (Updated)
On Tuesday night, the Board of Selectmen discussed what placeholders they were (and weren’t) willing to put on the Town Meeting Warrant. Read the full article → from What did/didn’t make Town Meeting Warrant: Meals Tax, lowering speed limits, acquiring downtown parcel, noise bylaw, plastic straw ban and more