BOS meeting recap: 9-11 Field roadblocks, public records policy, taxes and more (Updated)

There were no major controversies at Monday night’s Board of Selectmen meeting. But there were a lot of interesting tidbits including roadblocks to re-turfing a town field and discussion of a public records request policy. Read the full article → from BOS meeting recap: 9-11 Field roadblocks, public records policy, taxes and more (Updated)

Planning Board: Open Space process is a priority; continuing questions on Killam Farms and Pine Hill

The Planning Board discussed the status of an Open Space process and issues at two apparently unprotected parcels this week.
For much of the discussion, the Planning Board and Town Planner were on the defensive. At issue was a letter from Open Space Preservation Commission to the Board of Selectmen asking for help. Read the full article → from Planning Board: Open Space process is a priority; continuing questions on Killam Farms and Pine Hill

OSPC seeks to resolve more open space in limbo: Killiam Farms and Pine Hill

Tonight, the Planning Board’s agenda includes discussion of a letter from the Open Space Preservation Commission. That letter was originally submitted to selectmen, asking for help to resolve two open space issues “that have been a long time in limbo: Killam Farms and the Pine Hill Conservation Restriction (CR).” Read the full article → from OSPC seeks to resolve more open space in limbo: Killiam Farms and Pine Hill

(Updated) BOS to address questions about Barn Hollow open space and “behind closed doors” communications

Several residents addressed the Board of Selectmen about a purported plan to grant “non-revokable licenses” allowing Barn Hollow residents to utilize their Open Space encroachments. Read the full article → from (Updated) BOS to address questions about Barn Hollow open space and “behind closed doors” communications

Town Meeting: Barn Hollow Open Space accepted; more controversial items up for vote tonight

Town Meeting had an estimated over 400 in attendance last night. (No official count yet.) Voters easily approved most articles addressed, including a controversial open space acceptance.

13 Articles still need to be addressed at the continued meeting, beginning 7:30 pm tonight at the Trottier Middle School auditorium. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Barn Hollow Open Space accepted; more controversial items up for vote tonight

Roundup of MWDN town government news: Open Space concerns on Deerfoot, continued debate on Barn Hollow, and “installation” of the new chief

I just can’t get to everything. So, it’s a good thing that The Metrowest Daily News has a reporter that covers some of the town meetings I miss. Read the full article → from Roundup of MWDN town government news: Open Space concerns on Deerfoot, continued debate on Barn Hollow, and “installation” of the new chief

MWDN: Southborough looking at three working groups to solve town problems

The Metrowest Daily News reported today on discussions at last week’s Planning Board meeting. There, the board discussed the forming of working groups to workout some of the towns recent thorny issues. Read the full article → from MWDN: Southborough looking at three working groups to solve town problems

Wrap up of Monday night’s Special Town meeting: Postponed votes on Marijuana and Barn Hollow

n case you didn’t make it to last night’s Special Town Meeting (and judging by the turnout, you probably didn’t), here’s my recap. Read the full article → from Wrap up of Monday night’s Special Town meeting: Postponed votes on Marijuana and Barn Hollow

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