The Southborough Police issued a request for help investigating incidents in the area of Sadie Hutt Lane, Glenwood Road, and Presidential Drive on Saturday night. Read the full article → from Police asking residents to check Saturday night security footage for potential evidence
Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget
This year's tax forecast is below inflation, but that's partially based on one-time funding sources like federal ARPA funds. Advisory warns that the Town could be forced to deal with a ballot override or big service cuts in two years.
The Advisory Committee has issued it’s report to Annual Town Meeting, along with detailed information on this year’s budgets. It includes an explanation for their budget recommendations, plus the reasons behind some key Articles they voted to support or not support.
The report also comes with some financial forecasts and warnings. The most notable is a forecast that the Town seems to be headed towards needing a Proposition 2 ½ Override within a few years. Read the full article → from Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget