A list of board and committee meetings for the week with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Flagg Road Safety forum, Main St, Warrant Articles, and School Committee
A list of board and committee meetings for the week with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Flagg Road Safety forum, Main St, Warrant Articles, and School Committee
SHOPC (Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee) and the Planning Board are holding a public forum to investigate residents’ needs for senior housing. Read the full article → from Reminder: Senior housing needs forum Wednesday morning (not just for seniors)
The Town of Southborough is inviting its senior residents to tell them about their housing needs. Read the full article → from Senior housing needs forum – September 23
Each year voters at Town Meeting decide how to allocate a couple hundred thousand dollars collected through the Community Preservation Act. A good chunk of the money goes to pay the Chestnut Hill bond, but there’s still plenty left over. In the past CPA money has gone toward things like the South Union Playground, volleyball courts at Neary School, and affordable housing projects. Read the full article → from Find out how to apply for community preservation funds at a public forum on Thursday
Town Meeting is less than one month away (April 8 – mark your calendars), and there are some big items on the warrant, from operational budgets and capital items to changes in our town government. We’ve talked about much of it here on the blog, but (thankfully) this isn’t the only place to get educated before you vote. Read the full article → from Library will host public forum on town governance articles to be considered by Town Meeting – Thursday, March 21
Each year voters at Town Meeting decide how to allocate a couple hundred thousand dollars collected through the Community Preservation Act. A good chunk of the money goes to pay the Chestnut Hill bond, but there’s still plenty left over. In the past CPA money has gone toward things like the South Union Playground, volleyball courts at Neary School, and affordable housing projects. Read the full article → from Find out how to apply for CPA funds at a public forum on Thursday
Come get educated on one of the most important issues that will face voters at Town Meeting next month. On Thursday the Southborough Library will host a public forum on the proposal to move to a new form of town government. Read the full article → from Reminder: Public forum on town manager proposal at the library on Thursday
You’ve no doubt heard about the proposal to move to a town manager form of government. It’s an important question voters at Town Meeting in April will debate. We’ve talked about it on the blog here before, but if you’re anything like me, you still have plenty of questions. A final version of the proposed Read the full article → from Southborough Library to host public forum on town manager proposal
Is it time for Southborough to switch to a new form of government? Should we have a strong town manager instead of a town administrator like we have today, and what’s the difference between the two anyway? Should we have a five-member Board of Selectmen instead of the current three-member one? Those questions and more will be discussed at a public forum tonight. Read the full article → from Reminder: Public forum to consider changes to Southborough’s government – TONIGHT
At Town Meeting last year, voters decided to take the first steps toward potentially changing the way our town government runs. On Monday, the committee looking into the restructuring will hold a public forum to discuss what the changes could mean for the town. Read the full article → from Public forum to consider potential changes to Southborough’s government
Perhaps you’ve seen the blue signs announcing “CPA funds at work” in front of the affordable home at 209 Parkerville Road, or in front of the Arts Center. CPA funds for fiscal year 2012 are up for grabs, and a public forum on Thursday will explain how to apply for a piece of the CPA pie. Read the full article → from Community Preservation Committee to hold public forum on Thursday
The flakes haven’t even started to fall, but already the nor’easter predicted for tomorrow has claimed its first casualty. The public forum on Southborough’s villages sponsored by the Zoning Advisory Committee was to be held tomorrow night, but due to the impending storm, it has been rescheduled to February 24. Read the full article → from Impending storm postpones zoning forum on Wednesday night
Do you care about open space in Southborough? Or about the future of the town’s four village districts? There’s a massive zoning project underway that will impact development in town for decades to come. Read the full article → from Town to hold public forums on open space and the villages
Last month I blogged about a Mass Audubon report that identified the top priorities for habitat preservation in Southborough. At the top of the list are parcels owned by EMC. Just last week EMC secured the approval of the Southborough Planning Board to develop their land into a 10-building office complex. You can view the Read the full article → from Public forum to discuss habitat protection report – 10/15