The Superintendent of Northborough and Southborough Public Schools posted an update on reopening plans today. Read the full article → from NSBORO Update: Medical Advisory Team approved K-5 return to full learning next week (Updated)
The Superintendent of Northborough and Southborough Public Schools posted an update on reopening plans today. Read the full article → from NSBORO Update: Medical Advisory Team approved K-5 return to full learning next week (Updated)
One year ago this week, our district shut down in-person learning. Last night, an announcement informed parents that a full return to in-person attendance will be offered to all NSBORO students this spring. Read the full article → from NSBORO: Shifting to 5 day in-person; Trottier & ARHS to start April 26 – decisions due Sunday (Updated)
The School Committees for Southborough & Northborough voted tonight to support administration’s plan to pursue increased in-person learning for K-5 schools 4 days per week. Read the full article → from School Committees greenlight moving ahead with increased K-5 in-person learning plans
The Southborough and Northborough School Committees have posted an agenda for a joint special meeting this Thursday. Read the full article → from School Committees to vote on “Increasing In-Person Learning” Thursday night
According to the latest update from Northborough and Southborough Public Schools, only 44% of students are signed up for the district’s free Covid-19 screening program. Read the full article → from NSBORO Update: Less than 50% of students registered for free Covid screening; “Social Distancing Analysis Tool” posted for K-5 classrooms
The link to the recorded video was posted to YouTube. Read the full article → from NSBORO posted webinar for Increased In Person Learning
Northborough-Southborough public schools hope to allow 4-days per week attendance for K-5 students starting a year and ten days since the schools closed last spring. A phased roll out indicates that middle school and Algonquin would follow at dates not yet certain. Read the full article → from NSBORO Phased path to 4-days in person for K-5: Webinar Tues; Parent decisions by Feb 7; launch Mar 23 (Updated)
NSBORO school committee meetings covered a lot of ground in the past two weeks. Presentations included overviews of parent responses to a survey issued in late November and updates and actions relevant to some of the concerns raised. Below are some of the highlights for Southborough K-8 and Algonquin. Read the full article → from School updates: Addressing parent worries, planning for potential increased attendance, Covid screening, and more
The latest information from the Town and Schools. Read the full article → from Covid Update: 324 cases; School issues FAQ on plans for weekly student testing
An update on Covid-related votes at this week’s NSBORO school committee meetings. Read the full article → from Covid Update: NSBORO updating quarantine policies and offering post-holiday testing to ARHS students (Updated)
Take note, a survey issued in a newsletter the night before Thanksgiving is due this Friday. Read the full article → from Survey on K-12 learning & 4-day in-person elementary attendance; respond by Friday
This week, Algonquin is scheduled to welcome back students who selected Hybrid learning for this fall. I’m rounding up news out of and about the school. Read the full article → from ARHS roundup: Committee highlights, positive case announcement, and more
Last night, the Superintendent of Northborough and Southborough Public Schools issued a news update. Read the full article → from NSBORO Update: No simple “threshold or metric” for suspending in-person learning
The Northborough Southborough Schools’ website now shares a weekly Covid-19 Dashboard summarizing the situation in the towns and the schools. Read the full article → from Covid Update: NSBORO schools post weekly Dashboard; Numbers keep rising