From January to March of 2024, the Southborough Police Department issued 1,022 speeding citations. Many residents are wondering if that is enough to protect the roadways. Read the full article → from Residents voice concern over speeding (Updated)
From January to March of 2024, the Southborough Police Department issued 1,022 speeding citations. Many residents are wondering if that is enough to protect the roadways. Read the full article → from Residents voice concern over speeding (Updated)
As of yesterday, seven petitions qualified for placement on the Warrant for the March 25th Annual Town Meeting. Read the full article → from Several Citizen Petitions headed to Town Meeting (Updated)
The Select Board voted to ask Mass Dept of Transportation to add an HCVE/HVE* to Flagg Road. The Town will seek to add the restriction without lifting any existing truck exclusions, including the one on Main Street. Read the full article → from Town pursuing heavy truck exclusion on Flagg
On Tuesday, the Select Board will hear recommendations for handling the problems caused by heavy trucks on Town roads. Based on consultant VHB’s presentation, the Board may consider swapping the truck exclusion on Route 30 for ones on five Southborough back roads – plus two more overnight exclusions. Read the full article → from Select Board to discuss truck exclusions
At last week’s Select Board Meeting, there were updates on two items related to road safety in Southborough. Read the full article → from Select Board addressing road safety issues
Rounding up some recent town and school news covered by the Community Advocate. (Plus adding some context.) Read the full article → from CA Roundup: Potential Chestnut Hill Road closure; NSBORO on Masking, Mascots, Food shortages, Exploring Languages, and Bus Tracking
On Monday, when I posted about the highlights on meeting agendas this week, I failed to notice a significant one. Read the full article → from Select Board to discuss requested closure on Chestnut Hill Road tonight
Over 60 residents have signed a letter asking the Town to abandon a center section of Chestnut Hill Road. They’d like to limit access for cars to the two way traffic sections at either end. Read the full article → from Chestnut Hill Road residents petition selectmen to close off throughway traffic
After seven accidents occurred on their road in a seven week span, residents organized to lobby for changes. Read the full article → from Oak Hill Road residents seeking safety solutions
Selectmen agree with Flagg Road residents that tractor trailers pose a safety issue for their street. However, the Board isn’t willing to pursue changes to truck routes without first studying potential impacts to other roads. Read the full article → from Selectmen pursuing “global” study to help guide decisions on truck traffic in town
There was disagreement on Tuesday night as to what is necessary to make it safer for Pine Hill Road drivers to turn onto Parmenter Road. Read the full article → from Pine Hill and Parmenter roads safety discussion continues with requests and 3-Way stop debate
This week, the Board of Selectmen heard a resident’s request to implement traffic control measures on Pine Hill Road. While the agenda listed a request to exclude heavy vehicles, that was just one of the options they were asked to consider. Read the full article → from Town to conduct new traffic count on Pine Hill Rd; BOS to vote on painted lines and other safety/traffic control options
With minutes from the related meeting newly posted, I’m catching myself and readers up on what I missed last April. Read the full article → from What’s been happening on Chestnut Hill Road (temporary closure of throughway, permanent 2-way section)
Last week, Public Works Superintendent Karen Galligan updated selectmen and residents on plans for handling safety issues on Flagg Road. Read the full article → from Flagg Road safety: Lopsided yellow line, new feedback signs, and resident-suggested one-ways