The first three days of school, volunteers monitor the Finn-Woodward bus route. Most of the routes still need volunteers, and some don’t have any yet. Read the full article → from Finn-Woodward Bus Monitors: Sign up for a shift
Southborough police remind residents to stop for school buses
The Southborough Police Department posted the following reminder on its Facebook page recently. Read the full article → from Southborough police remind residents to stop for school buses
Countdown to school: Bus routes for 2012-2013 (UPDATED)
For those of you working a countdown, your kids will be climbing aboard the bus for their first day of school in just seven short days. Details on what those bus trips will look like was released yesterday by the school district. Read the full article → from Countdown to school: Bus routes for 2012-2013 (UPDATED)
Countdown to school: Bus routes for 2011-2012
Bus routes for the 2011-2012 school year were recently announced. Read the full article → from Countdown to school: Bus routes for 2011-2012
Back to school: Southborough bus routes
School starts next week, so it’s time to start thinking about when you need to get the kids out the door. Read the full article → from Back to school: Southborough bus routes
Southborough school bus routes posted
Figure out when you need to get the kids out the door. The 2009-2010 bus routes (.pdf) for Algonquin, Trottier, Neary, Woodward, and Finn have been posted on the school district website. (Did you know Algonquin pick-up starts at 6:35 am? All I can say is – yikes.) You can also check out an electronic Read the full article → from Southborough school bus routes posted