As of this morning, all three NSBORO Schools districts have voted to add to, rather than subtract from, holidays in the calendar. Read the full article → from School Committees add 3 new holidays to calendar
As of this morning, all three NSBORO Schools districts have voted to add to, rather than subtract from, holidays in the calendar. Read the full article → from School Committees add 3 new holidays to calendar
Tomorrow morning, the Southborough School Committee will “revote” on the administration’s recommended calendar for the upcoming school year.
That follows a tie vote last week, and the potential for a different decision than the one made by the Regional and Northborough school committees. Read the full article → from School Committee Revote tomorrow to deal with split vote on School Calendar
Preliminary options presented to the Combined School Committee for next year’s calendars being considered cover the range of adding more religious holiday observances to eliminating them all together. It appeared at last week’s meeting that the group vetting the options is leaning towards adding more. Read the full article → from School Committees’ discussion on handling religious holidays
It’s time to mark your calendars for the new school year. Read the full article → from Back-to-School Save-the-Dates (Updated)
Northborough-Southborough Public Schools’ Wellness Days won’t look the same next year. Starting in the fall, they will be fewer, more evenly spread out, and held as half-days for students. Read the full article → from NSBORO Wellness Days Unanimously Revised for ’24-25 (Updated)
NSBORO’s superintendent wants to work with teachers, students, and the community before recommending when to use Wellness Days next year. He noted that, based on the high school’s feedback, aligning them with religious holidays next year “might not be the best option for us to consider”. Read the full article → from Next year’s NSBORO Wellness Days still to be determined
The administration publicly shared highlights from the recent survey that they will be presenting to Combined School Committee members tonight before they vote on next year’s calendar. Read the full article → from NSBORO Schools share result highlights from Wellness Day Survey
NSBORO’s Wellness Day survey announced last Tuesday needs to be completed by this Friday. It is targeted to school parents, students, faculty, and staff to find out what worked well and what needs work. Read the full article → from NSBORO asking for Wellness Day feedback by Friday
It’s time to mark your calendars for the new school year. Read the full article → from Back-to-School Save-the-Dates (Updated)
Earlier this month I wrote about the options for next year’s Northborough-Southborough’s public schools calendar that the combined school committees would be voting on. I haven’t had time to follow up on that vote. Fortunately, the Community Advocate has. Read the full article → from CA: NSBORO calendar decision
The Combined School Committees are scheduled this Wednesday to discuss, and potentially vote on, the school calendar for ’23-’24. Read the full article → from School Committees to vote on recommended calendar changes
The district is asking for community input on three proposed calendars for next year before the Combined School Committees vote. The committees are considering whether and how to schedule around certain religious holidays. Read the full article → from NSBORO survey on student calendar
Last week, the Northborough, Southborough, and Regional school committees were presented three potential versions of next year’s calendar. According to a message from the Superintendent, they are looking for feedback from families and educators before they make a decision. Read the full article → from NSBORO to seek feedback on next year’s school calendar options
I have lots of news to share about Northborough-Southborough schools. Read the full article → from NSBORO Roundup: Free Lunch; District Welcomes Input on spending, calendar, & policies; Questions about Mascot input; Superintendent Goals