On Tuesday night, the Board of Selectmen talked through their next steps for two issues: their effort to negotiate PILOT contributions from non-profits and handling Special Municipal Empoloyees. I’m rounding up the highlights. Read the full article → from BOS on how to proceed with PILOT talks, SMEs, and Public Safety Building room naming
Town’s list of Special Municipal Employees
An email from Town Clerk Jim Hegarty shared his list of which positions in our Town Government have the SME status. Read the full article → from Town’s list of Special Municipal Employees
BOS created policy for “Special Municipal Employees” and grant status to EDC members
Last week, the Board of Selectmen finalized and approved a policy on the process for handling “Special Municipal Employees”. They followed with a vote to grant SME status to members of the Economic Development Committee. Both actions caused some disapproving comments on the blog, and I’m finally getting around to covering what happened and what Read the full article → from BOS created policy for “Special Municipal Employees” and grant status to EDC members
BOS packet posted with info related to tonight’s vote on Special Municipal Employee status request and draft policy

Tonight, the Board of Selectmen will discuss a request by a member of the Economic Development Committee to grant the committee status as Special Municipal Employees. The board will also consider a possible policy for when and how to grant the status to board/committee members. Read the full article → from BOS packet posted with info related to tonight’s vote on Special Municipal Employee status request and draft policy