STM Article 14: Full Time EDC Coordinator (Updated)

At their joint August 27th meeting, the Select Board Chair warned the Advisory Committee that Southborough is “bleeding businesses”. Referring to the situation as an emergency, she advocated for the Town to invest in a solution. Read the full article → from STM Article 14: Full Time EDC Coordinator (Updated)

Annual Town Meeting votes No on budget decrease, Yes on specific increase

Voters opposed a resident's call to reduce the overall budget by 1% and agreed to another resident's call to fund more emergency communications dispatchers.

On Saturday, Town Meeting voters shot down one resident’s pitch to shave 1% off the overall budget. Soon after, they agreed with another resident’s push to improve public safety by increasing the budget to hire two more dispatchers. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting votes No on budget decrease, Yes on specific increase

Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget

This year's tax forecast is below inflation, but that's partially based on one-time funding sources like federal ARPA funds. Advisory warns that the Town could be forced to deal with a ballot override or big service cuts in two years.

The Advisory Committee has issued it’s report to Annual Town Meeting, along with detailed information on this year’s budgets. It includes an explanation for their budget recommendations, plus the reasons behind some key Articles they voted to support or not support.

The report also comes with some financial forecasts and warnings. The most notable is a forecast that the Town seems to be headed towards needing a Proposition 2 ½ Override within a few years. Read the full article → from Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget

Residents may be looking at a big tax increase.

Unique drivers this year (including Schools & Public Safety)

It looks like the Town is facing a bigger than usual challenge this year in trying to rein budget increases in. Big drivers for tax increases this year aren’t the same one we have seen in the past couple of years. Read the full article → from Residents may be looking at a big tax increase.

Select Board’s Goals include “considering” tripling CPA surcharge on tax bills, and more (Updated)

A look at the board's "Finance" Goals for FY24

Select Board goals includes an increasing an annual surcharge on tax bills that some board members pitch could reduce residents’ overall tax burdens. “Finance” goals also cover contracting a grant writer and other administrative changes. Read the full article → from Select Board’s Goals include “considering” tripling CPA surcharge on tax bills, and more (Updated)

Taxes and “completing Pocket Park” – Tuesday

The Select Board's agenda for next week includes two items that will be of great interest to some readers.

On Tuesday, the Select Board will host the annual Tax Classification Hearing and discuss next steps for resuming construction on the St. Mark’s Street and Park project.

(Given the interest some readers have on those topics, I wanted to give advance notice.) Read the full article → from Taxes and “completing Pocket Park” – Tuesday

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