Although the Town hasn’t yet set next year’s tax rate, the Select Board is predicting that residents will be paying an average of 5.89% more in taxes year. Read the full article → from Tax outlook bleak again (Updated)
Southborough Taxes
The Select Board voted to use more ARPA funds to reduce the impact of Special Town Meeting.
Special Town Meeting – October 13
The Fall Town Meeting includes Articles adding over $200K to the budget, bylaw changes, and Citizen's Petitions on St. Mark's Park and flags at the Old Burial Ground
This week, the Warrant was finalized for the Special Town Meeting in less than three weeks. Read the full article → from Special Town Meeting – October 13
Letter: 2022 Southborough Real Estate Tax Policy Review
The following letter to the editor is from resident Carl Guyer to present data and explain why he advocates for property tax-rates to be split (with a lower rate for residential properties than commercial/industrial properties). Read the full article → from Letter: 2022 Southborough Real Estate Tax Policy Review
Annual Town Meeting Update: Articles that passed and what’s still on Warrant for tonight (Updated)
Last Night, Annual Town Meeting voters passed 23 Articles. (One was first amended, but none were rejected.) Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting Update: Articles that passed and what’s still on Warrant for tonight (Updated)
Annual Town Meeting: More context on what we’re voting on
My post is to give more context on each of the Town Meeting Warrant Articles most likely to require explanation or prompt some debate. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: More context on what we’re voting on
Annual Town Meeting: An updated look at the Warrant
On May 4th and 5th, Southborough will hold its Annual Town Meeting. It’s time for an update on what’s on the Warrant. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: An updated look at the Warrant
ATM Budget Update: Town targeting <5% tax increase; ARHS allocation hike; and discussions about ARPA and Senior Center
Here are my highlights from the Select Board discussions about budgets and taxes on Tuesday night. Read the full article → from ATM Budget Update: Town targeting <5% tax increase; ARHS allocation hike; and discussions about ARPA and Senior Center
Southborough Single Tax Rate set for FY22
Last night, the Select Board unanimously supported the recommendation of the Board of Assessors to set a single property tax rate for FY22. Read the full article → from Southborough Single Tax Rate set for FY22
Residents’ tax bills should be higher than projected for ’22; Town to seek input on applying ARPA funds to other uses
This week, the Town’s Assessor explained why projected taxes for average homeowners has increased. Read the full article → from Residents’ tax bills should be higher than projected for ’22; Town to seek input on applying ARPA funds to other uses
Town Meeting Update: Projected tax increase and PILOT news (Updated)
Annual Town Meeting is in two days. So, it’s past time to update readers on the proposed budgets. In related news, I’m also sharing an announcement on PILOT promises from the two big private schools in town. Read the full article → from Town Meeting Update: Projected tax increase and PILOT news (Updated)
Town Meeting: Articles on Meals Tax, Speed Limits, and Standing Committees
Tonight, I’m focusing on informing/updating readers on six Articles. They cover a proposed new tax, giving officials the authority to slow drivers down in some parts of town, and bylaw changes related to three committees. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Articles on Meals Tax, Speed Limits, and Standing Committees
Town Meeting Update: School budgets
In preparation for Town Meeting discussions, NSBORO schools administration has posted Budget documents for the next fiscal year. I’m pulling together some highlights of what they are asking voters, and how it is being pitched. Read the full article → from Town Meeting Update: School budgets
Town grappling with another difficult budget, this time in “an anomaly” of a fiscal year
Last night, the Board of Selectmen was updated on the preliminary budget for FY22. As is typical this time of year, the projected tax increase is much higher than officials or voters will want to approve. Read the full article → from Town grappling with another difficult budget, this time in “an anomaly” of a fiscal year
Town Meeting recap: Turnout and highlights from budget discussions & debates
On Saturday afternoon, Southborough’s legislative branch convened outdoors to pass the budget for July 2020 to June 2021 and other “Critical Articles”. Read the full article → from Town Meeting recap: Turnout and highlights from budget discussions & debates