Southborough voters impose fines for marijuana consumption

If you smoke pot in a public area in Southborough, it’s going to cost you. Town Meeting on Tuesday night voted to impose a $300 fine for public use of marijuana. That’s on top of the $100 fine for possession already on the books. Last November voters in Southborough and statewide voted to decriminalize possession Read the full article → from Southborough voters impose fines for marijuana consumption

Town meeting recap: Most everything passed

Residents made quick work of the 13 articles on the warrant at last night’s special town meeting. The whole thing lasted about two hours. Nearly every article on the warrant passed, including the ladder truck, the marijuana use bylaw, and the solicitor bylaw. The only exception was a bylaw that would have moved town meeting Read the full article → from Town meeting recap: Most everything passed

Advisory Committee opposes marijuana bylaw

It’s a safe bet that the ladder truck article will generate significant discussion at town meeting tonight, but another article that may spark debate is the bylaw concerning public use of marijuana. The Board of Selectmen support the article, but the Advisory Committee last week voted unanimously to oppose it. Their concern centered on the Read the full article → from Advisory Committee opposes marijuana bylaw

How to pay for a new ladder truck

The Advisory Committee and the Board of Selectmen don’t always see eye-to-eye on town meeting articles, but in the case of the ladder truck, they’re not too far apart. Both groups support the purchase, the difference lies in how to pay for it. A number of funding sources are being considered to cover the estimated Read the full article → from How to pay for a new ladder truck

Get answers about the ladder truck before town meeting

We’ve talked quite a bit about the ladder truck here on the blog, but there may be some questions you still want answered, some information you still need before making a decision at town meeting next week. If that’s the case, then plan on attending a public forum sponsored by the Ladder Truck Committee on Read the full article → from Get answers about the ladder truck before town meeting

Voters to consider ban on public marijuana use

In the last six months or so, Southborough police have issued 15 marijuana-related citations. Interim Chief Jane Moran told selectmen last week that all of the tickets went to kids under 18 years of age, all of whom were driving at the time. It’s one of the reasons Moran would like voters to approve a Read the full article → from Voters to consider ban on public marijuana use

Presentation about the ladder truck to air on public access cable

If you’re looking to get some background on the issues surrounding the purchase of a new aerial ladder truck — an issue that will take top billing at town meeting later this month — you might want to check out a five-part series I did on the subject earlier this year. (The second post in the Read the full article → from Presentation about the ladder truck to air on public access cable

Friday is the last day to register to vote before the fall town meeting

Town Meeting this fall will take on a number of big issues, and if you want to join the fun, you need to be a registered voter. If you’re not registered to vote in Southborough, Friday is the last day to do so before town meeting on September 29. The Town Clerk’s office will be Read the full article → from Friday is the last day to register to vote before the fall town meeting

Police department will ask voters for a second SUV

A Southborough police cruiser was involved in a minor traffic accident earlier this month at the intersection of Newton and Cross Streets. The cruiser was broadsided after its brakes failed. There were no injuries and both vehicles drove away, but Interim Chief Jane Moran said it could have been “catastrophic” if the brakes had failed Read the full article → from Police department will ask voters for a second SUV

On the warrant: Burying utilities lines on Main Street

At some point in the next few years, Main Street in Southborough will be torn up to make a host of roadway improvements. When that work happens, a group in town would also like to see the utility lines along Main Street buried to improve the overall aesthetics of the downtown area. The roadway improvements Read the full article → from On the warrant: Burying utilities lines on Main Street

Special town meeting in September to feature some big issues

I’ve mentioned it before, but here’s your official save the date for the special town meeting this fall. It will be held on Tuesday, September 29 at 7:00 pm at Trottier, so get your babysitters lined up. There are 15 articles on the warrant, several of them — like purchasing a new ladder truck — are Read the full article → from Special town meeting in September to feature some big issues

Tough questions about a new ladder truck

One of the items you’ll get to vote on at the special town meeting next month is whether to appropriate money for a new ladder truck. The precise amount of money and where the funds would come from are still to be determined, but total cost estimates are in the $900K range. About $350K has Read the full article → from Tough questions about a new ladder truck

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