A list of board and committee meetings for the week with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Selectmen on Transfer Station rules and creation of Golf Course Committee (Updated)
A list of board and committee meetings for the week with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Selectmen on Transfer Station rules and creation of Golf Course Committee (Updated)
The Board of Selectmen are seeking recruits for a new committee to oversee the approved Public Safety Building. And they are asking for residents with “construction industry experience” to consider signing up. [That doesn’t meant that residents without experience are disqualified.] Read the full article → from Public Safety Building Committee: Town seeking members with construction experience, apply by May 26; Questions on role of golf course
This winter, citizens submitted a petition for an Annual Town Meeting Article to address the Town’s plans to purchase St. Mark’s Golf Course. The sponsor of Article 40 asked me to share the amendment he plans to raise when the article comes up. Read the full article → from ATM Article 40: Amendment to Citizen’s Petition Article related to St. Mark’s Golf Course
The Town still needs support from 2/3 of voters in the May election to fund the deal that Town Meeting voters OK’d last night to build a new police & fire station on St. Mark’s Golf Course and preserve the remainder of the land. Read the full article → from Safety building & golf course deal still needs prop 2 ½ override (Or not? Updated – again)
Tonight, over 90% of Town Meeting voters approved spending more than $27M on a project to build a new public safety complex. Read the full article → from Voters approve public safety building and golf course preservation (Updated)
Here’s an update and summary on the Articles to buy St. Mark’s Golf Course and build a combined public safety complex on the site. Read the full article → from Golf Course deal: Land deal values, official agreement, and proposed Conservation Restriction
Southborough officials will now ask voters to approve building a combined Police & Fire Station while preserving about 54 acres of the 60 acre St. Mark’s Golf Course. Read the full article → from Selectmen adding CR to Public Safety Building Article to preserve the Golf Course
If you are still unsure how to vote on the St. Mark’s Golf Course Articles, you can attend a forum on them held by the Library tomorrow night and/or watch videos from forums held by the petitioners over the past two weeks. Read the full article → from Golf Course Forums: Videos of recent meetings; new forum on citizen petition articles – Thursday
My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to mysouthborough@gmail.com. Read the full article → from Letter: In support of “Save Our Golf Course” (Special Town Meeting Article 3)
I always warn that the schedule for Government Meetings can change during the week. But there are enough important changes this week to warrant an update. Read the full article → from Meeting changes: Golf Course Master Plan recommendation Wed; Selectmen react on Thursday; Marijuana hearings postponed
My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to mysouthborough@gmail.com. Read the full article → from Letter: Is the Golf Course Deal a good one or not?
Selectmen want voters to approve buying St. Mark’s Golf Course and building a new public safety complex on the site. To secure enough votes, they are considering including a Conservation Restriction on the over 90% remainder of the 60 acre parcel. Read the full article → from Selectmen may amend Golf Course article to include CR; Related meetings Thurs night (Updated again)
The Town of Southborough has posted the Warrant for the upcoming Special Town Meeting. With all the attention on the Golf Course and Public Safety Building, you may be surprised by some of the Citizen Petition Articles up for vote. Read the full article → from Special Town Meeting Articles: More than the golf course and safety station (Updated)
As the March 8th Special Town Meeting approaches, meetings and debate around the main focus of the meeting continue to heat up. Read the full article → from Golf Course & Public Safety Building: St. Mark’s and selectmen say they won’t renegotiate, debate over building budget, and much more