Reopening Plans: Deadline Sun 2pm for Qs to be answered at Mon forums; Another Survey request (Updated)

Parents have until 2pm tomorrow (Sunday, August 2nd) to submit questions for Community Forums on school Reopening Plans. The question form also serves as a survey that all parents are being asked to complete. Read the full article → from Reopening Plans: Deadline Sun 2pm for Qs to be answered at Mon forums; Another Survey request (Updated)

School news: Reopening survey and update; quarantine protocol for student travelers; 8th grade DC trip cancelled

The Northborough and Southborough Public Schools is asking each family to complete a survey. Updates were also issued on status of work on reopening plans and news on a big field trip cancellation. Read the full article → from School news: Reopening survey and update; quarantine protocol for student travelers; 8th grade DC trip cancelled

School Surveys: Fall “Hybrid” Reopening, Start Times, & Strategic Plan surveys seek feedback from parents/community by Monday (Updated)

Earlier today, Northborough and Southborough public school parents received the monthly newsletter from the Superintendent. In it, he asks for responses to three surveys with deadlines this Friday, June 5. Read the full article → from School Surveys: Fall “Hybrid” Reopening, Start Times, & Strategic Plan surveys seek feedback from parents/community by Monday (Updated)

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