The Town Building Commissioner asked me to remind campaigners and supporters about rules for posting political signs. The request came with information alleging that one candidate has been accused of breaking those rules. Read the full article → from Political signs: Complaints of placement without permission, denials, and a rule reminder
What do you want Candidates to address? (Reminder – Thursday is Candidates Night)

A week from today, voters will choose our Town Clerk and two members of the Board of Selectmen. Between now and then, you’ll be hearing from candidates trying to capture your vote.
I wondered, what issues would you like to see them address? Read the full article → from What do you want Candidates to address? (Reminder – Thursday is Candidates Night)
Election news: Candidate letters welcome; Fall targeted for special

I’m behind in reaching out to candidates running in the Town Election. (This late month Town Meeting really has me thrown off this year!) So, in case I have trouble reaching anyone, here’s my public call for letters. And while I’m at it, I’ll throw in an update on the Board of Selectmen vacancy. Read the full article → from Election news: Candidate letters welcome; Fall targeted for special
Candidate’s Night – May 4th (earlier time)

The annual “Candidates Night” will be held at the Southborough Library on Thursday, May 4th. Read the full article → from Candidate’s Night – May 4th (earlier time)
Selectmen’s race dwindles: Hubley withdraws (endorsing 2 of remaining 5 candidates)
Another candidate for the Board of Selectman has dropped out of the race. But he’s still weighing in on the election by endorsing two candidates. Read the full article → from Selectmen’s race dwindles: Hubley withdraws (endorsing 2 of remaining 5 candidates)
Selectmen race narrows (a little): Stein withdraws
Yesterday, I shared that 7 candidates are running for the two selectmen seats in the Town Election. Later in the day, Jesse Stein officially withdrew. Stein was the first candidate to pull and to file papers for the post. Once all the other names were in, he decided a run wasn’t necessary. Instead, he will Read the full article → from Selectmen race narrows (a little): Stein withdraws
Two races in Town Election: 7 for Board of Selectmen and 2 for Town Clerk (Updated)

Papers are now in and the deadline to file has passed. It looks like there will be two races for elected seats in Southborough’s Town government this May. One is a doozy! Read the full article → from Two races in Town Election: 7 for Board of Selectmen and 2 for Town Clerk (Updated)
Town Election update: Board of Selectmen race growing; deadline to file Tuesday (Updated)

If you are considering running for office in Southborough, act quick. The deadline to file papers is Tuesday. And the potential for at least one contest is growing. Read the full article → from Town Election update: Board of Selectmen race growing; deadline to file Tuesday (Updated)
Town Election update: Potential contests brewing for Board of Selectmen, Moderator and more (Updated)

If you are considering running for office in Southborough, act quick. The deadline to file papers is a week from today. And already some potential contests are brewing. Read the full article → from Town Election update: Potential contests brewing for Board of Selectmen, Moderator and more (Updated)
Pull nomination papers for Town office: 14 seats up for grabs; Signatures due March 21st

If you are considering running for office in Southborough, the process has already begun. So, go get your papers! Read the full article → from Pull nomination papers for Town office: 14 seats up for grabs; Signatures due March 21st
Safety building & golf course deal still needs prop 2 ½ override (Or not? Updated – again)

The Town still needs support from 2/3 of voters in the May election to fund the deal that Town Meeting voters OK’d last night to build a new police & fire station on St. Mark’s Golf Course and preserve the remainder of the land. Read the full article → from Safety building & golf course deal still needs prop 2 ½ override (Or not? Updated – again)