On Tuesday, the Select Board will hold a hearing on this year’s Transfer Station fees and revising regulations. Read the full article → from Hearing on Transfer Station regs & fees — Tuesday
Reminder: Transfer Station isn’t business as usual this week (Updated)
The Trash Pit is temporarily closed for repairs, but the station is still open for regular hours, including to dump most trash.

The Town is giving advance notice of work that will temporarily impact normal operations at the Transfer Station in a few weeks. Read the full article → from Reminder: Transfer Station isn’t business as usual this week (Updated)
Transfer Station Trash Pit will be briefly closed in early March
The station will still be open for regular hours, but with a different process and a few restrictions.

The Town is giving advance notice of work that will temporarily impact normal operations at the Transfer Station in a few weeks. Read the full article → from Transfer Station Trash Pit will be briefly closed in early March
Transfer Station stickers expire Sept 15th
A reminder to renew your permits if you haven't and the details for this year's changes.

If you haven’t already renewed your Transfer Station permit for 2023-24, you better get a move on. The ’22-’23 stickers expire on September 15th. Read the full article → from Transfer Station stickers expire Sept 15th
Changes to Transfer Station permit fees and process
'23 Stickers expire mid-September and '24 ones are available. Changes this year include a discounted fee for seniors (instead of free) and some process improvements.

Southborough’s DPW began selling the 2024 Transfer Station permits/stickers this month. Here are the details on this year’s changes. The biggest news is that Southborough residents over 65 years old will no longer automatically have free access to the Transfer Station. Read the full article → from Changes to Transfer Station permit fees and process
Clarification on Transfer Station stickers for seniors
DPW clarifies that seniors who rent can also get free stickers

Public Works asked me to update and clarify for readers that seniors who rent homes in Southborough also qualify for free Transfer Station permits. Read the full article → from Clarification on Transfer Station stickers for seniors
Get your ’23 Transfer Station Stickers (Updated)
DPW clarifies that seniors who rent can also get free stickers

This year’s Transfer Station permit stickers expire in a few weeks. Starting September 15th, the 2022-2023 stickers must be “in place” in order to access the station.
Here’s what you need to know about this year’s changes. Read the full article → from Get your ’23 Transfer Station Stickers (Updated)
Time to get your new Transfer Station Sticker

This year’s Transfer Station permit stickers expire in a few weeks. Starting September 15th, the 2021-2022 stickers must be “in place” in order to access the station. Read the full article → from Time to get your new Transfer Station Sticker
Capital Planning: Seeking feedback on desired “capital improvements”; Looking at waste disposal

This week, I received two requests to share information with readers about work being done by the Capital Planning Committee. So, I’m combining them. Read the full article → from Capital Planning: Seeking feedback on desired “capital improvements”; Looking at waste disposal
Time to get your new Transfer Station Sticker (Updated)

This year’s Transfer Station permit stickers expire in just over a month. According to the 2020-2021 Transfer Station rules, starting September 15th new stickers must be “in place” in order to access the station. Read the full article → from Time to get your new Transfer Station Sticker (Updated)
Selectmen to discuss proposal to change Transfer Station funding

On Tuesday night, the Town Treasurer will present a plan to significantly change how residents pay for use of the Transfer Station. The goal is to move towards mostly funding the trash and recycling station through taxes. Read the full article → from Selectmen to discuss proposal to change Transfer Station funding
Senior drive-thru for Transfer Station stickers afternoons in early August

Seniors can drive around to the back of the Senior Center the first two weeks of August to get their new Transfer Station stickers applied. The rest of us can head to the Town House or buy them online/through the mail. Read the full article → from Senior drive-thru for Transfer Station stickers afternoons in early August
Recycling and waste at the Transfer Station: Questions and Answers (Updated)

I followed up on some questions raised about recycling at the Transfer Station. Check out my A-Z guide. Read the full article → from Recycling and waste at the Transfer Station: Questions and Answers (Updated)
Reminder: Transfer Stickers through DPW (and Senior Center drive thru) this year

Residents looking for new Transfer Station permits this summer should head to the building down the hill from the Transfer Station, not to the Town House. Read the full article → from Reminder: Transfer Stickers through DPW (and Senior Center drive thru) this year