Every year, Southborough Veterans invite scouts, officials and the public to join them in honoring members of the military who have served our country. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: Veterans Day 2024
Every year, Southborough Veterans invite scouts, officials and the public to join them in honoring members of the military who have served our country. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: Veterans Day 2024
Southborough will remember its veterans on Monday with the annual Memorial Day parade. The parade starts at 9:00 am at Marlboro Saving Bank at the corner of East Main and Newton Streets. Read the full article → from Annual Memorial Day parade on Monday
Since 2005 Southborough residents Lisa Braccio and Debbie Depp Wilson have organized semi-annual care package drives to benefit troops serving overseas. In that time they’ve shipped off in the neighborhood of 7,800 boxes filled with the comforts of home. This weekend, they hope to add to that total. Read the full article → from Care package drive this weekend to honor Southborough’s Steve Whynot
In a ceremony at the All Wars Memorial on Sunday, Southborough residents turned out to honor the town’s veterans in a ceremony that featured readings, speeches, and music. Read the full article → from PHOTOS: Southborough honors its veterans
Southborough will remember its veterans on Monday with the annual Memorial Day parade. The parade starts at 9:00 am at Marlboro Saving Bank at the corner of East Main and Newton Streets. Read the full article → from Annual Memorial Day parade on Monday
Veterans and their families, scouts, and local officials gathered at Southborough’s All Wars Memorial on a cool but sunny morning last Friday to honor the town’s veterans and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Read the full article → from PHOTOS: Southborough honors its veterans
Every year on or about Flag Day, Veterans of VFW Post 3276 and Legion Post 161 hold a flag retirement ceremony in the Rural Cemetery. During the ceremony, flags collected from residents, as well as the ones replaced on Memorial Day, will be retired by ritual burning. Read the full article → from Annual flag retirement ceremony on Tuesday
Veterans lying in rest in Southborough’s Rural Cemetery were honored with new American flags on their gravestones last Friday evening. Read the full article → from PHOTOS: Flags replaced at the Rural Cemetery
In a somber ceremony under bright blue skies, Southborough honored its veterans yesterday. It was a ceremony that held special meaning for many. Read the full article → from Photos: Southborough honors its veterans
Southborough residents are invited to honor our country’s veterans at a Veterans Day observance on Thursday, November 11. The ceremony will take place at 11:00 am at the All Wars Memorial on the common across from the library. Read the full article → from Southborough Veterans Day observance
If you’re like me, you may have received a call recently from an organization soliciting donations for troops from Southborough. VFW Commander Stephen Whynot wants residents to be aware that the group is not affiliated with the town in any way. Read the full article → from Veteran advises caution over phone solicitations
A handful of veterans gathered yesterday to retire nearly 2,000 American flags in a ceremonial burning at the Rural Cemetery. It’s a Flag Day tradition in Southborough. Read the full article → from Photos: Southborough residents celebrate Flag Day
I was out of town for the weekend, so I didn’t catch the Memorial Day parade and observances. But Linda over at Southborough News had her camera ready and got bunches of photos. Check them out (you may need to scroll to view them). Update: There are also some nice photos in this flickr set. Read the full article → from Memorial Day photos
Last Friday, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops helped replace worn flags on the graves of Southborough veterans at the Rural Cemetary. Here are some pictures from the event. Read the full article → from Replacing the flags