Developer outlines revised plan for Woodland Meadows 40B

As I mentioned earlier this week, the developer behind the Woodland Meadows 40B project is trying a new approach to get his project built. At Wednesday night’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, developer Robert Heavey provide some more detail on his revised plan. According to the Metrowest Daily News, Heavey is now potentially looking to Read the full article → from Developer outlines revised plan for Woodland Meadows 40B

A new approach for Woodland Meadows?

Woodland Meadows is a proposed 40B development at the intersection of Route 9 east and Woodland Road. Because it’s a 40B, certain zoning laws can be relaxed in return for a portion of the development being affordable housing. But that doesn’t mean the developers have had an easy time getting approval. The Conservation Commission has Read the full article → from A new approach for Woodland Meadows?

Woodland Meadows at the Zoning Board of Appeals tonight

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets tonight and will once again take up Woodland Meadows, the 40B proposed for 84 Turnpike Rd. It’s the third time the project has been on the agenda this fall. In addition to Woodland Meadows, the ZBA will consider an addition to 71 Oak Hill Road that encroaches on a Read the full article → from Woodland Meadows at the Zoning Board of Appeals tonight

What’s on the agenda tonight?

A total of five different town committees hold meetings tonight. Here are some of the topics they’ll cover. The Zoning Board of Appeals tackles the Woodland Meadows 40B … again. Tonight’s meeting is a continuation of a public hearing from last month. The Conservation Commission has concerns about the proposed 4-story condo development and has Read the full article → from What’s on the agenda tonight?

Zoning Board of Appeals agenda for 10/22

At its last meeting, the ZBA discussed environmental concerns around the proposed Woodland Meadows development at 84 Turnpike Rd. They decided to continue the hearing at a future meeting, and will determine when that meeting will be at their session tonight. In addition to Woodland Meadows, the ZBA will consider the following petitions: 3 Prentiss Read the full article → from Zoning Board of Appeals agenda for 10/22

Conservation Commission cites concerns about Woodland Meadows

Woodland Meadows is a proposed 4-story, 40-unit condo complex at 84 Turnpike Rd. It’s a 40B, meaning certain zoning laws can be relaxed in return for a portion of the development being affordable housing. But at last week’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, the Southborough Conservation Commission urged the ZBA not to waive permits related Read the full article → from Conservation Commission cites concerns about Woodland Meadows

Reminder: Lots of local government happenging tonight

The Sox have the night off, so take this opportunity to attend any one of the 4 different committee meetings happening in Southborough tonight. As for the Presidential Debate airing this evening, that’s what Tivo is for. Your options are: Habitat Protection Report Public Forum (7:00 pm at Cordaville Hall) Northborough-Southborough Regional School Committee meeting Read the full article → from Reminder: Lots of local government happenging tonight

Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss Woodland Meadows

At the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Wednesday (October 15), the board will discuss a proposed 40B development at 84 Turnpike Road (Rte 9) near Woodland Rd. Chapter 40B is intended to encourage affordable housing by relaxing certain zoning restrictions in exchange for a portion of the housing being offered at below-market prices. The Read the full article → from Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss Woodland Meadows

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