Planning Board to discuss reassesment of Main Street project articles and continuing controversies – February 10

The Planning Board will meet on Monday night to discuss 9 warrant articles for the Annual Town Meeting. Two are old ones mired in controversy. Four of the articles are related to a recent citizen effort to reassess the Main Street project and burying/moving utility wires. Read the full article → from Planning Board to discuss reassesment of Main Street project articles and continuing controversies – February 10

Planning Board: We did not violate Open Meeting Laws, will publish incomplete zoning draft

The Planning Board’s response to filed complaint: they have not violated the law, their intention has never been to keep information secret, and (though they are not obligated to) they will publish the incomplete document. Read the full article → from Planning Board: We did not violate Open Meeting Laws, will publish incomplete zoning draft

MWDN round-up: Gulbankians, zoning update, and school safety strategy

The Metrowest Daily News reported on Gulbankians heading back to court (sure to trigger some comments), a change in position for the Southborough Planning Board (for short term – if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em), and improved school safety strategies (empowering staff and students). Read the full article → from MWDN round-up: Gulbankians, zoning update, and school safety strategy

MWDN: Planning Board drops revised Open Space portion of zoning bylaw overhaul

Metrowest Daily News reports that at last night’s Planning Board meeting, the board voted to drop the OSRD portion of the zoning bylaw revisions. The new bylaws are scheduled to be voted on in a Special Town Meeting in October. The board believed this controversial section would cause the effort to fail. Read the full article → from MWDN: Planning Board drops revised Open Space portion of zoning bylaw overhaul

MWDN: Southborough board creates subcommittee to go over controversial bylaw

There are a lot of changes proposed in the new draft of the town’s zoning code, which will come before voters next October, but the change that has proved most controversial is the one referred to as Open Space Residential Development (OSRD). Read the full article → from MWDN: Southborough board creates subcommittee to go over controversial bylaw

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