EDC forum on Downtown challenges and hopes: Septic constraints, zoning changes, and more

Last week, the Southborough community was invited to another forum on the Downtown Initiative. The public was briefed on experts’ recommendations for revitalizing the downtown area of Main Street. The Economic Development Committee also shared some of the obstacles and thoughts on how to overcome them. Read the full article → from EDC forum on Downtown challenges and hopes: Septic constraints, zoning changes, and more

MWDN: Southborough board creates subcommittee to go over controversial bylaw

There are a lot of changes proposed in the new draft of the town’s zoning code, which will come before voters next October, but the change that has proved most controversial is the one referred to as Open Space Residential Development (OSRD). Read the full article → from MWDN: Southborough board creates subcommittee to go over controversial bylaw

Planning Board releases zoning comparison document

In effort to help residents get a handle on extensive changes being proposed to the town’s zoning code, the Planning Board earlier this month released a document that compares the new zoning code to the existing code. It’s a document the Advisory Committee has been pressing the Planning Board to provide for several months now. Read the full article → from Planning Board releases zoning comparison document

Advisory Committee seeks to delay town meeting vote on zoning changes

The Board of Selectmen tonight will meet with the Planning Board to discuss a wide-reaching proposal to update the town’s zoning code. They’ll also hear a request from the Advisory Committee to delay a town meeting vote on the changes. Read the full article → from Advisory Committee seeks to delay town meeting vote on zoning changes

Planning Board continues public hearing on zoning changes – TONIGHT

When the Planning Board meets tonight, it will continue its discussion of a proposed overhaul to Southborough’s zoning bylaws. Tonight the focus will be on changes to the bylaws that govern open space requirements in residential subdivisions. They’re changes not everyone agrees with. Read the full article → from Planning Board continues public hearing on zoning changes – TONIGHT

Public hearing on proposed zoning code changes – TONIGHT

For several years now a committee of volunteers has been working on revamping Southborough’s zoning code. They’ve considered everything from open space protection to multi-family housing and subdivisions to commercial development along Route 9. The process will culminate in a vote on the changes at a special town meeting this fall. Read the full article → from Public hearing on proposed zoning code changes – TONIGHT

Residents speak out against proposed changes to village zoning

How would you like an art gallery in downtown Southborough? What about a playhouse? Or more restaurants and shops? The Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC) believes enabling that type of development downtown — as well as in Southborough’s other three villages — is key to reinvigorating the village district. But some downtown residents feel the specific zoning changes proposed by the ZAC will threaten the historic character of the village districts, and they plan to share their concerns at a public hearing on the matter tomorrow night. Read the full article → from Residents speak out against proposed changes to village zoning

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