Finding fireworks for the Fourth

Scheveningen fireworksIn Southborough, we save our fireworks for Summer Nights in August. That means if you’re looking to celebrate the Fourth with a bang, you’ll have to make a bit of a trek.

Towns in our area that used to host fireworks displays — like Framingham, Marlborough, Ashland, and Holliston — haven’t held them in years. According to a list published by the state, some of our nearest fireworks this year are in Milford, Needham, Newton, and Waltham (note that some of the firework displays are tonight).

Both Franklin and Worcester were scheduled to have their fireworks displays on Thursday night, but each was postponed because of the wet weather. Worcester will hold theirs tonight, while Franklin will have theirs on Monday.

If it’s parade or party you’re after, you won’t need to drive nearly as far. Westborough, Shrewsbury, and Sudbury (among others) are hosting events today and tomorrow to celebrate the Fourth. You can see a list of events here.

Update: Just found this list of fireworks displays in The Metrowest Daily News.

(Photo by ** Maurice **)

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