Above: In two weeks, campers can get their hands on electronics.
Last week, I posted about the Southborough Recreation camps available next week. Today, I’m focusing on offerings for August 14 – August 18.
There won’t be any Finn or Woodward camps that week. (The last week for that is next week, August 7th. But it’s not too late to sign the kids up for that.)
In two weeks, kids aged 8-14 are invited to have more fun with computing and engineering:

Hands on Electronics (ages 8-11)
8:30 – 11:30 am @ South Union Building, 21 Highland Street
Tinker with electronics while learning the basics of computer programming. We begin by experimenting with the fundamentals of electronics and circuitry, and step up to projects where our class of young makers will design their own interactive and programmable devices. Participants use the latest tools including Arduino (for building interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi (for learning about computers and coding) to experiment with LEDs, resistors, motors, and programming. Each class days gives participants the chance to design a hands-on project with the guidance of skilled Circuit Lab instructors. (fee $155)
Creative Computing (ages 11-14)
12:30 – 3:30 pm @ South Union Building, 21 Highland Street
Get connected as we explore not just how to use computers, but how to make computers work for you. We will use the latest tools: Arduino (for building interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi ( for learning about computers and coding) to design hands-on projects ranging from LED lights shows to touchless musical instruments to wearable computers, all in the name of taking ideas and making them real. Participants have access to a comprehensive library of parts and equipment, and experienced instructors who can help them create the devices of their dreams. (fee $155)
That week also offers the final chance for Junior Golf Camp at Juniper Hill.
(If you need to put kids in a full-day camp- or want the flexibility of scheduling by individual days – don’t forget to check out Extended Day Camp.)